More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
The Dysfunctional Holiday Letter
from Beyond Blue
December 17, 2010

From Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid: The Movement of Imperfection by Gina Gallagher and Patricia Konjoian:
It's been a banner year!
We began by getting a new minivan complete with a navigation system. It's been a lifesaver! We have the routes to all the nearest hospitals and pharmacies pre-programmed. With the time we've saved from printing out directions, I'm now able to spend some time knitting. I'm just starting out but I made little Rebecca a new sock to chew on. (This has really helped her stop chewing the couch.)
John is doing well. He landed a third job hauling trash, which helps cover all our psychiatric co-pays.
We are so proud of Little Bobby. During his last incarceration, he received the prison's coveted Inmate of the Month award for his good behavior. And John and I were so impressed by the license plate he made for us for Christmas.
Rebecca is just terrific, too. Her soccer coach has noticed that she's kicking harder than ever (thought it's still at the other players). And the other night, she actually sat down and did her homework.

It's been a bittersweet year, as Felix, our cat, is no longer with us. One of the kids left the door open, and he never came back. John says he's never seen a cat run so fast.

Well, that's all the news we have to report for now. Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and hospitalization-free holiday season.


Oh my gosh every year the cards come in of all the friends and aquaintences we have met over the years and the pictures of thier perfect happy families. I think to my myself this is going to be the year I am going to get it together. I can do it, really I can. I can get the outfits together, the hair done, all the kids together, the dog, the cat. I can put the show on. The next thing I know it's January and I did it again. Why do I wanna participate? I'm lucky when the five year old's top matches her bottoms never mind all three of the children agree to wear matching clothes. I fail my own expectations every year. I endure this season.
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