More threads by NicNak


Resident Canuck
I have always had a fear of the dark, but now I am really noticing it. Especially the past 2 weeks since the weather has changed and it has been dreary outside during the day.

I am finding it very difficult to go outside into the darkness. I have an appointment to get my eyes tested. I almost find it is difficult for me to see in the dark, so it is making me more afraid, if this makes sense.

Does anyone know of anything until my appointment I can try to over come this?

I have a pen light on my key chain, but it would be weird walking down the street with a flashlight, wouldn't it?

I don't want to draw attention to myself either. Any suggestions?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I don't think it would be wierd. People in the country do it all the time. Even when the night is clear it helps to alert traffic that you're there. :)


Resident Canuck
Thank you Dr Baxter. I guess even if I don't use it, it would be there if I needed it.

I think tomorrow I will try it for my arrands, then I will be able to get out earlier in the morning :D

Thanks :D


Account Closed
I don't think it would be weird either NicNak - in this day and age, we do what we have to to feel safer....I think seeing is a little important in this instance! ;)


Resident Canuck
I am so excited, I found a small plastic one, Mom and I keep incase of a power failure. I can wear it on my wrist and it will just dangle.


Thanks Jazzey! :D:D and Dr Baxter

:flowers: :flowers:

I will try it tomorrow for arrands :D


Resident Canuck
Haa haa haa, that has a stun feature in it! haa haa haa.

I thought for a minute when I clicked on that, that I was going to see a spot light with a 100,000 candle power beam! haa haa haa

Thanks for helping me put it all in prospecitve :D

do you have a mobile phone with a light on?

My mobile phone has a strong light on it which lights up my bedroom,, and in the settings you can have it on for 1 to 10 mins,, That would look ok walking down the street, people would think your just texting someone.:)


Resident Canuck
The Timex Dayglow Watch would be a good idea too Dr Baxter. Thanks!

Sister-Ray. My mobile phone does have a bright light on it. I didn't think of that. Thanks!

We got a slight dusting of snow this morning, so it seems brighter this morning.

I am awake at 8am. Which is a shocker for me to begin with. So in an hour or so, I will venture out. Mobile phone in hand along with my little flash light.

As crazy as it sounds. In the winter, I like the snow cause it makes everything brighter.

I am glad to have got all your feedback. I like this site cause I can talk about things and we can joke and have fun.

Most of the response I get from other people is "you can't be serious, you are afraid of the dark" or "how old are you, you still have nighmares"

Thanks again everyone. It is so appreciated. :D


Resident Canuck
I was afraid to tell people, I just LOVED last winter. With the record snowfalls. :hide:

Luckily I don't have to shovel it. I only have to clean off the car.


Sometimes if I go out at night, I turn off all the lights in my apt. and get used to that darkness for 1 - 2 minutes, helps a bit. (until I get blinded by that 800,000V laser! :) ). Higher output halogen bulbs really helped my night driving too.
I really must have been a troll in a previous life or something because I usually feel safer in the dark!


Resident Canuck
I was out and about most of the day. I left home around 11am and just got in now at 4:30pm :D

I even forgot the flashlight I was going to bring, for just incase.

I got most of my arrands done and stopped off at Lick's for a nice hamburger and fries :funky: Even ate inside the restaurant by myself without feeling "weird" about it.

Went down to the lake to see if I could see my Swan friend again. I tried to get out of the car, but all the ducks, geese, seagulls and pigeons came right for me haa haa haa I wasn't afraid of them but I am not that crazy to risk being attcked by a bunch of birds :lmao:, poor things are hungry this time of the year.

I wasn't bothered so much by the lack of sun outside, but when I came back home to my appartment, my eyes were shocked with the darkness inside...hummm. Maybe when I am thinking to go out thinking it is too dark, maybe it is from the perception I have from inside my dark appartment........ :tapfingers:

I have never had a fear to go outside, it is just darkness. Maybe I turned over a new stone today with this.


Account Closed
Yay for you NicNak! :hug: Feel pretty good, doesn't it - Eh? (sorry, couldn't resist - just read the last thread....;))


Resident Canuck
It does feel pretty good. Thanks for the Yay's :D

I can't use "eh" in a grammatically correct way right now, since I didn't ask a question. :nanana:


Resident Canuck
I was out most of today too! I feel so tired, but feel good that I got out even though it was not bright outside today too.

Maybe I will take tomorrow to rest in a bit :)
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