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Good point Daniel. We put out cats on a diet recently (they are just a little "fluffy":D) and one of the cats will sometimes sit on my husband's chest and lick his nose. We figure she is doing some sort of taste test, eek.


You are a wise man....much safer that way. Actually, I sort of like having a kitty sleeping on my feet. It's sort of soothing.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
They come and snuggle with me when I'm watching movies... surround sound from the DVD and stereo purring from the cats.

I sort of like having a kitty sleeping on my feet. It's sort of soothing.

I sort of like knowing my odds of waking up are better than 50-50. That's sort of soothing. :D


I decided to let the cat in my room for the first time yesterday, although I was warned not to. I thought "new environment, he seems happy and not the spiteful type"...then I came home to where he used my bed as his litter box.

Damn cat. Oh well. I was warned...
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