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Nearly everyday since I was born, I have a recurrent word in my mind.

My inner-voice sometimes pronounce a little sentence or a small words related to it, with the word in it. It usually last 1 to 5 minutes, its short. It is in my head of course, it never happens when I'm talking alone or with other people, only in my head, only myself can hear it

I guess I have no language tic ( when I talk ). Perhaps I have some face tics when I am anxious or embarrassed but I guess it's normal, it's habitually when I try to control myself or hide my emotions.

But still, that strange inner-voice..

Don't ask me for the sentence or the word, since it's (nearly) senseless and stupid, it won't help anyway.

I am wondering whether it is a tourette symptom or some compulsive behavior.. and if it can be cured ?

I am also very anxious and over sensitive to any emotion, and I guess I have some kind of social phobia.
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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
We cannot offer a diagnosis here, Rulll. Your best bet would be to consult a psychiatrist or psychologist about your symptoms - as I think you already know, there is more than one possibility but this could be narrowed down in a face to face clinical examination.
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