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Wondering if anyone else has experienced this and that they do about it.

For example yesturday I had a full-blown panic attack that landed me in the ER, and most of my time in that panic attack was sitting here, at my computer. The moment I saw that place and sat down here today I felt anxious and uncomfortable being that this was the 'dark place I had the horrible panic attacks' yesturday. But I have to live here and I spend most of my time here doing online college coursework. I have to give it over it.

Its similar to the psychophysiological insomnia I experience where the sight of my bed makes and anxious and uncomfortable (worrying about having another panic attack).

Its odd that memory affects me in this way. If only I can emphaisize the moments I have felt good / at peace in this place and let it overpower somehow the dark memory of the panic at this very location.

Anyone have smiliar experiences? What is best to do to get over it?


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Re: Locations where you have paniced triggering similiar panic occurance

The short answer for me is - yes, yes and yes. :)

It's a normal reaction to panic. And your right, you do need to spend time at the computer.

The computer didn't cause the panic attack. Being on the computer didn't cause the panic attack. Talking about what you were going through last night on the forum didn't cause the panic attack.

Like the doctor told you last yesterday it was a combination of things like medication reactions, stress and whatever else the doctor told you about.

This has happened quite a bit for me and some things I have chosen not to fight the panic in certain situations yet. However, there are situations where I need to be in control, feel the fear and do it anyways. Panic lessens. Your safe in your home and at the computer. Literally telling yourself that may help.

I hope some of this helps. And other members may have additional things to add to help you out.


Re: Locations where you have paniced triggering similiar panic occurance

I can say yes to this as well.

I think that Ladylore made good suggestions of talking to yourself when you first sit at your computer and trying to do a lot of talking internal or external if no one is around to remind yourself that it wasn't your apartment, the computer, the forum or any the web contents that created the panicked feeling but it was exactly like your doctor said... a medication reaction. Keep repeating it over and over...a medication reaction, a medication reaction. I know that for me that is what I do when faced with a situation that creates panic/anxiety.

Also, I know that contentrating on my breathing really helps when I get anxious or panicky. It helps to bring me focus and concentration on one thing so my mind doesn't start to run away with itself.

Hope some of this helps and don't be afraid to read some of the helpful resources listed in the Panic Disorder Forum as well as the Anxiety & Stress Forum.

Take care


Re: Locations where you have paniced triggering similiar panic occurance

However, there are situations where I need to be in control, feel the fear and do it anyways. Panic lessens. Your safe in your home and at the computer. Literally telling yourself that may help.

I hope some of this helps. And other members may have additional things to add to help you out.

Thanks that tidbit helps a lot. Actually there is a book called "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" which I haven't read but applied it's title to many situations heh.

One thing I need to remember, that my mom always tells me.
"This too will pass"

The only thing certain in life is change! So I should know that sometimes my little computer area will be a prison, sometimes a pradise, but not ALWAYS in either case.

UPDATE: Today still experiencing residual anxiety when I saw the clothes I wore that horrible day. Talk about irrational *sigh at myself*
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Re: Locations where you have paniced triggering similiar panic occurance

I have this happen as well. It's good to hear that it passes. I've had them happen at the same time every night and I've also had them happen when I watched the same show I was watching the first time, etc. I hope you are overcoming it, I know it's so much easier said than done.


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Re: Locations where you have paniced triggering similiar panic occurance

I hope you are overcoming it, I know it's so much easier said than done.

You can say that again. :) Its a bit of trial and error too. Somethings work to control anxiety and somethings don't and its different for everyone.
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