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Hope I've this posted in the right place.

Our daughter was recently diagnosed with ADHD (she also has TS+). We're still mulling over the pros and cons of taking medication to treat the ADHD. Methylphenidate (Ritalin) has been mentioned as a first line medication. However we do have reservations here. Firstly because it is a stimulant and we've been told by other people who have TS (or who have family members with TS) to stay well clear as it made their tics much worse. Also, there is an additional dilemma - I myself have epilepsy (well controlled with meds for many years now) and so does another family member. So, I'm worried that by taking a stimulant medication, my daughter may well be put at risk of developing seizures. To further complicate things, I have read that non stimulant medication for ADHD can also cause seizures.

Is anyone able to offer their thoughts and perhaps some personal experience here? Thanks for reading.


I do not have first hand experience treating ADHD, so I cannot offer insights from experience.

You have presented a complex family history that requires interpretation by a competent medical professional with clinical experience in movement disorders that may require consultation with more than one specialist. In addition to your daughter's paediatrician, you may want to ask for a referral to a neurologist with experience in movement disorders, including TS and related disorders and one who can assess the genetic implications associated with your family history of epilepsy, TS and ADHD.

What advice and insights are being provided by the medical consultant(s) working on your daughter's case?
Hi Steve and thanks for your thoughts on this.

At the moment no decision has been taken about starting medication - we are taking some time out to do more research. My daughter doesn’t want to start treatment until we know more. That’s fair enough and I feel the same too. Her consultant is not a paediatrician - she’s deemed to be too old to be seen by paediatrics as she is over age 14. Instead she is in the care of a consultant psychiatrist who has diagnosed Tourette’s (plus) and now, ADHD. I don’t know if our health authority has a neurologist who specialises in movement disorders to whom she could be referred but I can certainly look into this. When we had our recent appointment with my daughter’s consultant and ADHD was diagnosed, I had so many things running around in my head, I didn’t think to question stimulant medication (Ritalin) when there’s epilepsy in my family. Although a family history was given during the neuro developmental assessment stage, I don’t know how aware the consultant actually is of my own/family medical background. It was only when I started looking into types of medication myself that I thought to query it.


If you have not already investigated and explored the excellent Additude Magazine website, I would urge you to look at the information they provide on ADHD treatments. Their new website is navigated using the menu selector at the upper left of the homepage.

Would Tourettes Action be able to point you to a neurologist in Scotland?
Yes, I have looked at the ADDitude magazine you recommended previously and it’s been a fantastic source of information for us.

I think that a Tourettes Action will probably just have the specialists for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, but Tourette Scotland may be able to help, so I will try them. Thanks as always for your help Steve ��

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