More threads by NicNak


Resident Canuck
A bad thunderstorm is rolling by where I am now. I have always been very afraid of lightning especially.

When I was little, my dad and his friend would have fun scaring my brother and I. They would tell us horrible stories about lightning and people getting hurt by it.

I have never seen a tornado before here, but the possability of them also scares me.

I am just a bit scared right now is all :blush:

Thanks for reading.

Edit: It has now passed over it seems. Just rain now.
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That storm is forecast to be moving East to Ottawa, and down the St. Lawrence Valley (gulp)

I have never seen a tornado before here, but the possability of them also scares me.

And justifiably so...tornadoes are more dangerous than hurricanes because debris such as lumber, glass and metal are flying at speeds of up to 250 mph.

Having heard numerous tornado warnings, the place to be is in the lowest level of the building, or in the innermost room or closet of the building to protect against the flying debris.

If outdoors, lay flat in a land depression or ditch.

Tornadoes are indeed dangerous and should not be underestimated.


Resident Canuck
I remember quite a few years ago, we got a bad storm here and it headed into Barrie and there was a real bad tornado in Barrie. One of the worst.

I remember looking up, the sky was greenish grey and seeing circling dots in the sky. Almost looked like upside-down tips.

In Toronto, we have had tornado warnings, but never a tornado.

When the lightning comes, I bolt up all the doors. My brother is afraid in lightning too.

This evening the sky was greenish too. It was a quick storm though.
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I was a bit worried and hoping no-one was caught in the storm especially when I noticed the green sky - the lightning was incredible! I have been at the edge of a tornado and the edge of a hurricane and both were extremely frightening. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for people who have experience the full force of these storms. :hug: Mari



I remember those tornadoes. They were May 31, 1985. I was supposed to go to Guide camp that night in Barrie, but it got called off. I've always remembered the exact date. I was living in Borden at the time, and although we didn't get hit directly, the outlying areas of the base were. Tornadoes are definitely scary, but following the guidelines that Steve outlined definitely increase your chances of survival, significantly. I've also heard that the SW corner of your basement is the safest. In an emergency, I'm not sure I'm going to take the time to figure out which corner is SW though.

I'm glad the worst of it seems to have passed. Hopefully you can relax a bit now.


Resident Canuck
Thank you Mari and Turtle.

I did have to take a clonazipam :blush: I was pretty jumpy even before the storm, so it just added to it.

I am ok now though :)

I was once in a storm in Florida that had hurricane winds and it was terrifying. There was mass flooding, tornados and such. We were lucky we were one of the areas in the Gulf Coast that did not get flooded or a tornado.

I have never forgot the sky that day, when the tornado's hit Barrie. Mom and I were going to go walking up to the store and had to turn back. I remember even in the light rain at the time, we both looked up and commented on how creepy the sky looked.

I am glad your trip was canceled Turtle and that you were not there.

Hope everyone who lives in Ontario is safe after the storm last night.


Account Closed
I understand your anxiety over storms NicNak. I love to watch them from the comfort of my home only. But since Juan, even that pleasure has subsided a little.

So, as Steve suggested, just take all the precautionary measures you can and you should be safe hon. :hug: :hug:
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I actually love thunderstorms and lightening and will go out in them walking they make me feel exhilerated! Though I can understand others fears as I have friends who are scared by them.

I hope that they have all passed now for you and that everyone is safe and sound:hug:
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