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I've read in many different places that exercise makes you happier, helps in fighting off depression and a lot of other things. I'm more or less a complete newbie however, and I have no clue which type of exercise would be the best. I generally (approx once a week) cycle a bit or use the treadmill. Is there some exercise in particular that would be the best?


MVP, Forum Supporter
Welcome Dont'know

There are different effects to be had, I used exercise to alleviate horrendous depression and insomnia.

I over exercised because having had a very violent childhood I seem to get relief from being in a state of total physical exhaustion, after 5 years of this I began to have joint problems. As a result of this I had to rejig my exercise to take into account the damage I had already done and make sure I did no further damage to my joints.

There are actually a few recent studies on both exercise for mood elevation but also for impact on the body as over exercise is of concern particularly to sportsmen and women. - Mental Health and Physical Activity - Walking for depression or depressive symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Walking it is suggested has a dramatic effect on our moods. The study link above has been furthered again with suggestions that the color green from trees and grass etc may have an effect. So it is therefore suggested maximum walking benefit is to be had by walking in forests.

There is also a recent study which I cannot find the link for which suggests that a mixture of walking, swimming and cycling is the best forms of exercise to stave off joint problems and that it is essential to rotate the three to get maximum benefit.

I do all three of the above and a bit of yoga and can say without a doubt that as well keeping me fit they absolutely make me feel better, I sleep better am less stressed, happier, have a clearer mind and am calmer within myself.

Everyone has different activities that hold their attention and they enjoy more than others it's just a case of mixing it up and seeing what works, finally I don't do classes but they can be a good way of socializing.


Great topic for today's events!

I learned many things when deciding and carrying out a 30 minute fast walk in very nice green conditions!! (My mistakes)

1. Do not exercise if you are dehydrated. 2. Do not over exert yourself especially if you are unfit. 3. Do not go walking in 2pm 31 degree heat. 4. Do not have a hot shower after exercising without letting your body temperature lower. (In my defence, there was only hot water available!).

It all resulted with me having to lay in my bed for 30 minutes, trembling and heart beating out of my chest and nearly passing out in the shower!!!

I hope that has added something to the conversation!!
Thanks for the replies :)

@W00BY I personally don't care for walks. They don't do anything for me :/ I prefer strenuous running instead.

@AmZ Haha, I'll take care not do that ;)
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