David Baxter PhD
Late Founder
A psychiatrist takes on Tom Cruise
Tuesday, July 5, 2005
By Ronald Pies MD, Guest Columnist, MetroWestDailyNews.com
Any contest between and psychiatry is bound to be an uneven one. After all, Mr. Cruise is buffed and beautiful, whereas most psychiatrists tend to the portly or scruffy. (OK-this is a crude stereotype...there are many beautiful, buffed psychiatrists, but I shall never walk among them.) On the other hand, Mr. Cruise comes to the battle devoid of any medical training, whereas psychiatrists - as specialized physicians - have had at least eight years of training in virtually all aspects of human physiology, psychology, and brain function.
Nevertheless, given his notoriety, psychiatrists must now respond to some of the charges and claims Mr. Cruise has made. Let's start with the claim that there is no evidence of any sort of "chemical imbalance" in persons with depression, attention deficit disorder, or other psychiatric illnesses. Actually, if we have in mind some simple "blood test" that can detect these disorders, we have to acknowledge a grain of truth to Mr. Cruise's claim - but not much more than a grain. The chemical imbalances that underlie most severe psychiatric disorders are, indeed, subtle - and not a matter of, say, checking someone's blood sugar, as we can do in the detection of diabetes.
And yet, the evidence that major psychiatric disorders have a biochemical basis is overwhelming. This is not to discount the importance of social, cultural, and psychological factors; it is simply to say that the individual's genetic and biochemical endowment exert a profound and powerful influence on how these other factors are played out on the stage of the person's life.
Let's take the example of major depression - a devastating illness that afflicts as many as 15-20 percent of the American public at some time in their lives. What is the evidence pointing to some kind of "chemical imbalance" in those who develop major depression?
First, there is convincing evidence of a strong genetic influence in major depression. The "concordance" rates (occurrence in both individuals) of this disorder are much higher in identical twins than in fraternal twins, or in the general public - meaning that if your twin sibling develops major depression, you are far more likely to develop it than would be predicted by chance alone.
This remains true regardless of whether or not you are raised in the same home as your identical twin.
Second, there are countless studies of body chemistry and brain function pointing to several abnormalities in those suffering from major depression, though there does not seem to be a single, uniform abnormality that always distinguishes these individuals. This should not surprise us. After all, anemia (low red blood cell count) can arise from numerous underlying biological causes. There's no reason to suppose that major depression is any different. A number of studies of severely depressed patients have demonstrated abnormalities in several hormones known to influence mood.
For example, cortisol - a hormone made by the adrenal gland - is often abnormally elevated in patients with major depression. Thyroid hormones may also show subtle abnormalities in depressed individuals. As these persons recover from depression, we often find that these hormonal changes also normalize.
The brains of individuals with major depression may also show abnormalities in structure, function, or both. For example, studies of how the brain uses sugar to make energy suggest that in those with major depression, certain brain regions are under-active: they show decreases in blood flow or the ability to "burn" sugar. Some studies suggest that with clinical recovery, or treatment with antidepressants, these brain regions achieve normal rates of blood flow or energy use.
We also find such normalization associated with some types of psychotherapy - suggesting that the depressed brain may respond favorably to more than one type of therapeutic "input."
There is good reason to believe that medication and psychotherapy work synergistically to improve brain function in the depressed individual. This is consistent with the observation that medications often improve the "somatic" (physical) aspects of depression, such as low energy, whereas psychotherapy often reduces the "psychic" aspects of depression, such as self-loathing and guilt.
It's a shame that Mr. Cruise's comments about depression may have discouraged some depressed individuals from seeking professional treatment. The same could be said for those struggling with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, panic disorder, and many other serious illnesses. For these conditions, too, there is ample evidence that biological factors play a prominent role, and excellent evidence that psychiatric treatment can help.
Tuesday, July 5, 2005
By Ronald Pies MD, Guest Columnist, MetroWestDailyNews.com
Any contest between and psychiatry is bound to be an uneven one. After all, Mr. Cruise is buffed and beautiful, whereas most psychiatrists tend to the portly or scruffy. (OK-this is a crude stereotype...there are many beautiful, buffed psychiatrists, but I shall never walk among them.) On the other hand, Mr. Cruise comes to the battle devoid of any medical training, whereas psychiatrists - as specialized physicians - have had at least eight years of training in virtually all aspects of human physiology, psychology, and brain function.
Nevertheless, given his notoriety, psychiatrists must now respond to some of the charges and claims Mr. Cruise has made. Let's start with the claim that there is no evidence of any sort of "chemical imbalance" in persons with depression, attention deficit disorder, or other psychiatric illnesses. Actually, if we have in mind some simple "blood test" that can detect these disorders, we have to acknowledge a grain of truth to Mr. Cruise's claim - but not much more than a grain. The chemical imbalances that underlie most severe psychiatric disorders are, indeed, subtle - and not a matter of, say, checking someone's blood sugar, as we can do in the detection of diabetes.
And yet, the evidence that major psychiatric disorders have a biochemical basis is overwhelming. This is not to discount the importance of social, cultural, and psychological factors; it is simply to say that the individual's genetic and biochemical endowment exert a profound and powerful influence on how these other factors are played out on the stage of the person's life.
Let's take the example of major depression - a devastating illness that afflicts as many as 15-20 percent of the American public at some time in their lives. What is the evidence pointing to some kind of "chemical imbalance" in those who develop major depression?
First, there is convincing evidence of a strong genetic influence in major depression. The "concordance" rates (occurrence in both individuals) of this disorder are much higher in identical twins than in fraternal twins, or in the general public - meaning that if your twin sibling develops major depression, you are far more likely to develop it than would be predicted by chance alone.
This remains true regardless of whether or not you are raised in the same home as your identical twin.
Second, there are countless studies of body chemistry and brain function pointing to several abnormalities in those suffering from major depression, though there does not seem to be a single, uniform abnormality that always distinguishes these individuals. This should not surprise us. After all, anemia (low red blood cell count) can arise from numerous underlying biological causes. There's no reason to suppose that major depression is any different. A number of studies of severely depressed patients have demonstrated abnormalities in several hormones known to influence mood.
For example, cortisol - a hormone made by the adrenal gland - is often abnormally elevated in patients with major depression. Thyroid hormones may also show subtle abnormalities in depressed individuals. As these persons recover from depression, we often find that these hormonal changes also normalize.
The brains of individuals with major depression may also show abnormalities in structure, function, or both. For example, studies of how the brain uses sugar to make energy suggest that in those with major depression, certain brain regions are under-active: they show decreases in blood flow or the ability to "burn" sugar. Some studies suggest that with clinical recovery, or treatment with antidepressants, these brain regions achieve normal rates of blood flow or energy use.
We also find such normalization associated with some types of psychotherapy - suggesting that the depressed brain may respond favorably to more than one type of therapeutic "input."
There is good reason to believe that medication and psychotherapy work synergistically to improve brain function in the depressed individual. This is consistent with the observation that medications often improve the "somatic" (physical) aspects of depression, such as low energy, whereas psychotherapy often reduces the "psychic" aspects of depression, such as self-loathing and guilt.
It's a shame that Mr. Cruise's comments about depression may have discouraged some depressed individuals from seeking professional treatment. The same could be said for those struggling with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, panic disorder, and many other serious illnesses. For these conditions, too, there is ample evidence that biological factors play a prominent role, and excellent evidence that psychiatric treatment can help.