Into The Light
do dreams have any meaning at all or is it all just random? if it's not all random, where could i find reliable information on dream interpretation?
My mother has been having nightmares lately......I think it might be medication related.
If I remember correctly, my mother had crazier dreams and more nightmares while taking Paxil after a while, after the dose was increased. So nightmares as side effects could be dose-dependent, at least for some meds.
Certain medications can either (1) make dreams more vivid and therefore increase the likelihood of the individual remembering them or waking up during or soon after the dream; or (2) create a situation where the individual sleeps more lightly or perhaps longer, again increasing the likelihood that waking will occur during or soon after the dream.
She is on many meds, diabetes, thyroid and a few heart meds plus others
she just saw the cardiologis last week