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Daniel E.
Re: Do I Need Therapy - Test

This is a result after indicating a problem with mood with problems in no other areas:

Although your scores were generally very good, you had symptoms in at least one category. This suggests that you should probably consult with a mental health professional for further testing or treatment, especially if you are distressed about the symptoms you are experiencing. There is most certainly a treatment out there that will help improve the symptoms you are experiencing.


Wow, this test is amazingly accurate, although it diagnosed me somewhat excessively on the anxiety symptoms:

The following are the areas of concern detected by the screening:

* You have suffered from what appears to be a brief psychotic episode. This could be a product of many different disorders, both mental and physical. See a psychiatrist for further diagnosis.
* Your symptoms point to Major Depressive Disorder.
* Your symptoms point to Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder.
* You show signs of suffering from a Social Phobia.
* You show signs of Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
* You appear to suffer from panic disorder with agoraphobia.

I don't think I have panic disorder with agoraphobia, but everything else has a grain of truth... the first three are spot-on.


This is what mine said -

Although your scores were generally quite good, you scored well outside the normal range in at least one category. This suggests that you should probably consult with a mental health professional for further testing or treatment. There is most certainly a professional out there who can help improve the symptoms you are experiencing.

The following are the areas of concern detected by the screening:

Your symptoms point to Major Depressive Disorder.
You show signs of suffering from a Social Phobia.
You show strong signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
You appear to suffer from Panic Disorder.
The test also detected symptoms of one or more disorders that did not meet all the criteria, but that may still merit treatment.

The following are the areas of concern detected by the screening:

You have experienced some symptoms of a brief psychotic episode, but not enough to qualify as a full-blown episode.
You experience some symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
You experience some symptoms of Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia.
You have some symptoms of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, although you do not meet the full criteria for the disorder.
You appear to suffer from some symptoms of Borderline Personality disorder.
You appear to suffer from some symptoms of Dependent Personality disorder.

Sounds about right to me.


Although your scores were generally quite good, you scored well outside the normal range in at least one category. This suggests that you should probably consult with a mental health professional for further testing or treatment. There is most certainly a professional out there who can help improve the symptoms you are experiencing.

The following are the areas of concern detected by the screening:

Your responses strongly indicate that you suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
The test also detected symptoms of one or more disorders that did not meet all the criteria, but that may still merit treatment.

The following are the areas of concern detected by the screening:

You experience some symptoms of substance dependence.
You have experienced symptoms of a major depressive episode, but not enough to qualify as a full-blown episode, or as major depressive disorder.
You have experienced symptoms of a manic episode.
You experience some symptoms of Simple Phobia.
You experience some symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
You have some symptoms of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, although you do not meet the full criteria for the disorder.
You appear to suffer from some symptoms of Borderline Personality disorder.

Hmmmmm, this surprised me. I expected the depression, but not the other stuff. I am not going to take this as a diagnosis though, but it does tell me that I should look into therapy.


The following are the areas of concern detected by the screening:

* You have experienced symptoms of a major depressive episode, but not enough to qualify as a full-blown episode, or as major depressive disorder.
* Although you meet the criteria for the frequency of symptoms, your symptoms do not appear to be severe enough to meet the criteria for Major Depressive Disorder.
* You have experienced symptoms of a manic episode.
* You meet the criteria for the frequency of symptoms of Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder, but your symptoms do not appear to be severe enough to meet the criteria.
* You experience some symptoms of Simple Phobia.
* You experience some symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
* You experience some symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
* You appear to suffer from some symptoms of Borderline Personality disorder.
* You appear to suffer from some symptoms of Dependent Personality disorder.

I don't like this test ;)


H! The response was much longer than I expected so I omitted some parts.

What do your responses tell us?
Although your scores were generally quite good, you scored well outside the normal range in at least one category. This suggests that you should probably consult with a mental health professional for further testing or treatment.

The following are the areas of concern detected by the screening:

• You show strong signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
• You appear to suffer from Panic Disorder.
• Your responses indicated that your relationships are at least in some way dysfunctional.
• Your responses strongly indicate that you suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

The test also detected symptoms of one or more disorders that did not meet all the criteria, but that may still merit treatment.

• You have experienced some symptoms of a brief psychotic episode.
• You have experienced symptoms of a major depressive episode.
• You experience some symptoms of Social Phobia.
• You exhibit some compulsive thoughts or behaviors.
• You experience some symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Now I have a lot of reading and thinking to do. :read: :think: Mari


No surprise here...the only things I've ever been diagnosed with though, are depression and PTSD. The BPD makes sense, but I've never received an official diagnosis.

Although your scores were generally quite good, you scored well outside the normal range in at least one category. This suggests that you should probably consult with a mental health professional for further testing or treatment. There is most certainly a professional out there who can help improve the symptoms you are experiencing.

The following are the areas of concern detected by the screening:

? Your symptoms point to Major Depressive Disorder.

? Your responses strongly indicate that you suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder.

The test also detected symptoms of one or more disorders that did not meet all the criteria, but that may still merit treatment.

The following are the areas of concern detected by the screening:

? You have experienced some symptoms of a brief psychotic episode, but not enough to qualify as a full-blown episode.

? You have experienced symptoms of a manic episode.

? You meet the criteria for the frequency of symptoms of Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder, but your symptoms do not appear to be severe enough to meet the criteria.

? You experience some symptoms of Simple Phobia.

? You experience some symptoms of Social Phobia.

? You appear to have some obsessive thoughts.

? You display some symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but you do not appear to meet the full criteria for the disorder.

? You experience some symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

? You have some symptoms of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, although you do not meet the full criteria for the disorder.

? You appear to suffer from some symptoms of Dependent Personality disorder.


Dear ladybug, I was not surprised by the results but I think mainly because of this forum and what I have learned so far. What does surprise me is how little I knew previously. The PTSD is recent but the others are not. I could write for pages and pages on this. Why would I not already know this? Assuming I am an average Canadian 50+ married, children, house, two car garage, lots of bills. I know about colds, flu, SARS, measles, mumps, chicken pox, broken legs, sprained ankles etc. Why would I not know about PTSD, OCD, and all the various other illnesses mentioned on this forum. Does the average person know? I have a few parenting books that cover normal childhood development and various physical illnesses but very little is covered on mental illness. Are there parenting books that cover basic mental illness? I have read books that cover a specific topic or a specific person or a specific illness but I do not recall ever seeing a book that gives a general overview for parents. Such things as specific descriptions, what to look for, symptoms, when and where to seek help. Enough said for now and thank-you for asking. :heart: Mari
no, i do not think the average person knows. i didn't know anything about any of these things until i became a part of this forum and learned of other people's struggles. having depression has really educated me on a lot of these things. i just read everything in sight. actually that is how i found this forum, scouring the internet for information :)

the biggest thing i find that is not a good thing is that i had no idea what psychologists and psychiatrists were really for. everyone knows that if you break your leg or you get sick you go see a doctor for it. i think most people don't know that if you are going through a lot of emotional distress that you can see a therapist for that to help you cope and get your feet back on the ground. or even if for simple things like needing career advice or wanting to improve things about yourself, you can go see a therapist for this. i guess a lot of it has to do with education, and/or stigma.

it's hard though because i find myself being hesitant about telling people about my depression and what i really went through. but i wonder though if someone suffers from a different life threatening illness (say cancer) and makes it through if they would feel similarly. it certainly isn't a light conversational topic.
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I took the test and the only surprise was that it didn't come up with Major Depressive Disorder as I expected but here is what it said.

The following are the areas of concern detected by the screening:

  • You show strong signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
  • You show signs of Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
  • You have suffered from at least one panic attack.
  • You appear to suffer from panic disorder with agoraphobia.
  • Your responses strongly indicate that you suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder.
  • Your responses strongly indicate that you suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

The test also detected symptoms of one or more disorders that did not meet all the criteria, but that may still merit treatment.

The following are the areas of concern detected by the screening:

  • You have experienced some symptoms of a brief psychotic episode, but not enough to qualify as a full-blown episode.
  • You have experienced symptoms of a manic episode.
  • You experience some symptoms of Simple Phobia.
  • You experience some symptoms of Social Phobia.
  • You appear to have some obsessive thoughts.
  • You exhibit some compulsive thoughts or behaviors.
  • You display some symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but you do not appear to meet the full criteria for the disorder.
  • You suffer from symptoms of bulimia but do not meet all the criteria for the illness.
  • You appear to suffer from some symptoms of Dependent Personality disorder.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It's inmportant to keep in mind that online "tests" such as this are at best rough screening tests and should be viewed as hypotheses - possibilities to be explored and either verified or rejected. They do NOT generate diagnoses. No test can do that.


Account Closed

I took the test and it told me I had Generalized Panic Disorder. I knew that. :) I also flew under the radar for many other things according to this test. I guess it has helped me to be a counsellor is a past life (5 yrs ago). Thats my conumdrum, I can analyse myself and I usually know why my brain acts the way it does, but its the stopping it from doing what its doing (ie panic attacks) that is the hard part.



I didnt think the test was very accurate. It failed to ask relevant questions in some areas, the questions were too black and white. Indicatively the results I got were inaccurate. Does anyone NEED therapy? Its just a choice I think.

Questionnaires are fun though ... even though the questions in this one didnt give enough choices
This test was largely inaccurate. I have been diagnosed with OCD by at least 5 prominent specialists in that field (although the actual symptom presentations were in a more unusual form than simple washing or checking). Yet this test was completely unable to pick this up. I went 10 years without being properly diagnosed with OCD and sinking further and further down without adequate help until I finally found professionals who were skilled enough to recognise the symptoms in a way that tests like this could not. Had it not been for their expertise, I would still have been wondering why I was experiencing OCD symptoms whilst tests like this refused to acknowledge the fact and enable me to find help. Any doctor using this as an initial screening test would have summarily dismissed my OCD (several did on the basis of tests like it, until I actually came across those who were actively involved in direct research in the field and hence skilled enough to pick it up). I worry about these sort of tests because those whose symptom presentations are more challenging and less classic textbook may not actually get picked up and those people will fall through the cracks in the mental health system.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
This test was largely inaccurate. I have been diagnosed with OCD by at least 5 prominent specialists in that field (although the actual symptom presentations were in a more unusual form than simple washing or checking). Yet this test was completely unable to pick this up.

Any doctor using this as an initial screening test would have summarily dismissed my OCD (several did on the basis of tests like it, until I actually came across those who were actively involved in direct research in the field and hence skilled enough to pick it up).

ALL online screening tests (or personality tests or IQ tests. etc., etc.) are inaccurate to a greater or lesser extent. All should be considered as either entertainment or very preliminary at best.

No competent mental health specialist would use such tests, although there certainly are brief paper screening tests (checklists, etc.) for depression, anxiety, OCD, etc., that some may use as a starting point. Screening tests are not conclusive either to confirm or disconfirm a diagnosis. That's why it's important to consult a mental health professional with training, experience, and expertise in diagnosing and treating your specific type(s) of symptoms.


MVP, Forum Supporter
I tend to take these things with a grain of salt, I have learned, otherwise I start thinking I have every disorder that there is. However, knowing it was with a grain of salt I was actually glad to discover that the only thing that it picked up was the OCD and some depression, which isn't an issue for me at the moment. My anxiety level is really low compared to what it used to be, even the OCD is under control at the moment, which reminds me, its time for me to log of the internet. I really credit this forum alot for the emotional support. Maybe soon I will have that from some friends again now that I have stoped avoiding everyone because I was so focused on my problems.
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