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The holiday season is a stressful time for anyone, but if you're also grieving the loss of someone close or far to you, it might be even more difficult to know how to "get through" this time of the year. I realize all of you have had very different experiences, different losses, due to various reasons, a long time ago or just recently, but the point is grief isn't specific to any of those. These are just general links, some are specifically for having lost a child for ex. or about a certain way of having lost someone, but I think the general message is what's important. If you know of some ideas on how to survive the holiday season while grieving or have other links that you think might be helpful, please post them here.

Getting through the holidays

Grieving through the holidays

Finding light in the darkness:grieving through the holidays
Grief and Renewal - Articles - The Beginning Experience: A Weekend Retreat for the Widowed and Divorced

When you're grieving through the holidays

What can I do to get through the holidays?

Grief... how to help yourself through the holidays

Getting through the holidays when you have lost a loved one Files/Hot_Topic_12_20_02.pdf

Help for the holidays

Getting through the holidays Corner/GettingThroughHolidays.htm

Holiday Grief Tips,1056,10278,00.html
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