David Baxter PhD
Late Founder
Having A Mental Illness Is Not A Death Sentence
by Susan Johnson, TedTALKSJanuary 21, 2021
Even though diagnosed with the mental illness known as bipolar disorder,Susan Johnson had a dream.
In her TedX talk, she shares her riveting and inspiring story of the obstacles she overcame. Her story is proof that if we hang on to hope and faith and never give up anyone can achieve their dreams despite the odds. Susan Johnson graduated from Drake University with a B.A, in Sociology. Since her diagnosis of bipolar disorder in 1995,Susan's true passion in life is to help break the stigma of living with a mental illness and bring hope to those living with one.
She is an international selling author of Some Dreams Are Worth Keeping: A Memoir Of My Bipolar Journey. She is an inspirational speaker and a mental health writer. She also co-leads a mental health group in her community. To learn more about Susan got to www.sjohnsonauthor.com