I've been depressed for about three years now and I'am finally realizing something. Before my depression, I had a 4.0 gpa, I did stuff every weekend with my best friend, and I was very sociable and outgoing. Now, I have a 3.2 gpa, I do nothing on weekends, I have no best friend, and I'm terrified to go to social events. However, I no longer have the sleep problems I used to have. What I'm realizing though, is that for the last 3 years I have been comparing everything I do to my old self. I feel ticked because I have a 3.2, when I should have a 4.0. I feel down because the people I eat lunch with are not as popular as the people I used to eat lunch with. I guess I have been trying to become like my old self, but I can't. I'm an entirely different person than I used to be. I think that I will never be my old self again. I'm also thinking about how crappy my high school experience has been. I've got 2 more years and it's over. Should I move to a different city and start over? Should I move and try to change schools?