One of my biggest obstacles to happiness and growth is my bad habit of constantly comparing myself to others. I'm constantly seeing others as more intelligent, more attractive, more confident, more talented, etc. In contrast I feel very inferior about myself. At times I can be intensely jealous of other people.
Unfortunately this affects my life in a lot of ways. For example when thinking about pursuing a relationship with someone I'll usually think "Why would they want me when they could have someone better?"
Another example would be--let's say I want to play guitar. I go on Youtube and watch videos of people playing guitar. If I see someone really talented (especially if they're younger than me), I'll get very demotivated. I'll tell myself that I'll never be as good as them, I'll never be able to "catch up" with them, so I shouldn't even try.
Somewhere in my life I guess I picked up the idea that if you aren't "the best" at something, you're nothing and you should just give up. Not a very healthy attitude, right? My intellectual mind can know that I'm being irrational, but emotionally I can't get out of the habit of feeling inferior.
I'm just wondering if anyone might have any insight on where these feelings might come from, and how to work on them to overcome them. Thank you.
Unfortunately this affects my life in a lot of ways. For example when thinking about pursuing a relationship with someone I'll usually think "Why would they want me when they could have someone better?"
Another example would be--let's say I want to play guitar. I go on Youtube and watch videos of people playing guitar. If I see someone really talented (especially if they're younger than me), I'll get very demotivated. I'll tell myself that I'll never be as good as them, I'll never be able to "catch up" with them, so I shouldn't even try.
Somewhere in my life I guess I picked up the idea that if you aren't "the best" at something, you're nothing and you should just give up. Not a very healthy attitude, right? My intellectual mind can know that I'm being irrational, but emotionally I can't get out of the habit of feeling inferior.
I'm just wondering if anyone might have any insight on where these feelings might come from, and how to work on them to overcome them. Thank you.