More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
If so, this means that you have an invalid or inactive email account and an email notification sent by this forum has bounced back to the server.

Please edit your account with a new and current email account to reset your account.

Contact me if you have any problems doing so.


Hi, I'm wondering if maybe my account is marked inactive on this end? I've not recieved an email stating my account is inactive, and I still recieve the emails and updates from the site. However, two or three times in the last two or three years, I have had to "reset" my password. I think maybe if I don't visit for a while it purges me? Then, when I rest and when I log in, I cannot access some of the links, like seeing who's online, looking at some things, etc. Just wondering is there something I need to do? I don't visit this site often, but I DO visit. I've been a "member" for quite a long time, and I keep coming back because I find it so helpful. Have thigns changed where we need to be a "paying memeber" now to post and chat and all? Sorry my visits are so infrequent-- I still would like to visit and participate :) Thanks for any help! --Poohbear

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Hi, I'm wondering if maybe my account is marked inactive on this end? I've not recieved an email stating my account is inactive, and I still recieve the emails and updates from the site. However, two or three times in the last two or three years, I have had to "reset" my password. I think maybe if I don't visit for a while it purges me? Then, when I rest and when I log in, I cannot access some of the links, like seeing who's online, looking at some things, etc. Just wondering is there something I need to do? I don't visit this site often, but I DO visit. I've been a "member" for quite a long time, and I keep coming back because I find it so helpful. Have thigns changed where we need to be a "paying memeber" now to post and chat and all? Sorry my visits are so infrequent-- I still would like to visit and participate :) Thanks for any help! --Poohbear

No, you're accoun t is not inactive and there are no "paying members".

There have been some software changes and policy changes over time which result from members being harrassed or things of that sort - that's why while you can see who's online you can't view what they're doing online anymore.

If you're finding you can't view attachments or cetain links, please let us know specifically which ones are creating the difficulty so we can investigate.
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