More threads by Cat Dancer

I'm struggling right now with self injury thoughts. I've been doing so much better with them, but I'm extremely anxious today and I also think I deserve to punish myself.


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Lately CD, I've been doing something active to relieve some of the anxiety. Even if it's something simple like 30 minutes of housework. I don't know if that would help CD?
Yes, I think reducing the anxiety would help. I have tried a few things, but it's still there. I need to keep trying.

And, I don't know, I have a really bad attitude right now. :(
i know it does, cat dancer. but we can work at it to make the future better for ourselves. i hope i don't sound like a hippocryte saying that. i've certainly done my fair share of complaining here about life.

i think cleaning, walking, or journaling, anything to keep yourself occupied, can take care of the anxiety until it subsides. or a round of tetris? it helps to keep your brain busy and not think of what's so difficult right now. Free Tetris
:lol: when i saw that title and then no mention of teeth in your post, i was thinking "where's the bit about the teeth? i thought she was going to explain further!"

(yes i was a bit slow to catch on there.... :D)
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