More threads by Jazzey


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So, I have an idea - and actually, I've stolen it from various members who are guilty of implanting it in my brain in recent days! :)

What if we were to have some kind of sociable - planned for early in the new year.

Here's how it would work - It's a Cyber Potluck. Whomever wanted to participate would have to post a dish (including the recipe) that they would "bring" on this particular day (careful - I think food can also reveal our thoughts! ;) ). We would pick a day - and on this day, we just have to post a positive thing in our respective lives and a good wish for a member.

No obligation here - it popped into my mind when I read a few recent threads about the season - we still have time to focus on something warmer and fuzzier....:dimples:

I won't be offended if the idea is poop-pooed.;)
sounds a good idea, im not good with recipes and cooking but will try and come up with something, the veggie poutine looks good;)


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Sister-ray - that's the wonder of cyberspace - you'll never have to tell us that you didn't actually "cook" the dish. I myself am planning to pick a dish from Epicurious (one of my favorite sites) that I would've typically made...whether I make it or not....I'll keep all of you guessing!;)


Account Closed
Great suggestions Daniel - Done.:)
So, I'll start it off:

Asian Scallops recipe - it looks very good and doesn't bring on my guilt issues:

A positive thing in my life: I'm finally starting to hear my internal dialogues. It took me a very long time to understand that it was there, but I finally hear what I say to myself and I'm cognizant of it.

A positive wish: I wish all of us happiness in the year to come. I'm very grateful to have found this place and made some wonderful friends here. The site came into my life at a time when I felt I was spiraling out of control and just couldn't hang on anymore. I'm finally hanging on - Thank you.
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What a great idea! I'll have to check my cyber pantry to see what I can come up with. Will there by a bonfire? Do we BYOB?



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Absolutely - a bonfire! It can even be on the beach - just right for your warm weather Steve!

And yes, it would necessarily be BYOB! ;)

So check the pantry - doesn't have to be fancy but it does require some thought!:)
....And Daniel's already bringing the poutine....;)
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Resident Canuck
:vroom: can I bring my toy car?

Here is a good recipe for back ribs :p

My mom's friend's son apparently came up with it.

One cup of ketchup
1/3 cup of mustard
1 tablespoon of vinegar
1/2 cup of brown sugar
1 tablespoon of Warchester Sauce
1 diced large onion
garlic powder to taste as well as salt and pepper.

Stir until well mixed and sugar is desolved.
Marinate a rack of back ribs over night meaty side down for best results. (I learned this by trial and "error")

Heat oven at 300 degrees Celcius and cook for 1 and a half hours meaty side down.

Turn ribs meaty side up and cook for an additional half hour. (again, I learned this by trial and error too )



Account Closed
Hmmm! Your recipe sounds delish!

Did you want to share something positive in your life? And a positive thought for another member of psychlinks (or several if you want)? Only if you're comfortable with this NicNak.
..quick question - what kind of mustard? which kind of vinegar (the plain white vinegar?).
And yes, you can bring your toy car! ;)
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Resident Canuck
Oppps. The reciepe calls for plain white vinegar or if one prefers something more flavourful, they can use balsamic or malt, like I do.

It is just regular prepared mustard. :) But I am sure subsitituing with a dijon mustard could work for an extra kick. Same with a honey mustard... wow, I am getting some new ideas now :D

Thanks for pointing that out. It is a nice sauce I wouldn't want anyone to not try it cause of me forgetting things.

Also it is good for chicken wings, steak or even meat balls (I did this last week) :D

Daniel E.

Hypothesis: Poutine is tasty.

Since I still have a number of potato pancakes in my freezer, I made poutine-inspired potato pancakes today.** I used grated mozzarella cheese instead of cheese curds. The brown gravy was a peppered, vegetarian broth gravy simply made with cornstarch in lieu of St. Hubert Poutine Sauce Mix (which is apparently vegetarian) and in lieu of Picard's reinvented poutine sauce. The gravy was poured boiling hot as recommended on the Internet.

The results do suggest that poutine is indeed tasty and that there is much taste potential for gravy-based improvements. As expected, frozen potato pancakes are unideal for poutine purposes. The presentation met expectations:

Future work: My next experiment will be to make feta fries. Those results will help me decide how much culinary fusion should be included in my upcoming vegetarian poutine recipe. (Positive psychology comments will be also be forthcoming.)

**I am fully aware that the use of any frozen potato product or non-curd cheese is unethical and fraudulent if the results are described as authentic. This is why the preliminary methodology described above is only "poutine inspired."


Poutine Primer
Bonnie Stern: Homey poutine goes upscale - The Appetizer
Potato Champion Belgian Style Frites, French Fries and Poutine
Marion Kane - Blog -- Poutine pilgrimage yields war of the curds


Resident Canuck
I make fresh french fries and top them with cheese, sour cream, chives and optional bacon bits. (vegetarian minus the bacon bits) :p

Or chili fries. I prefer it with the cheese ontop of the chili as apose to under it. Topped with sour cream and chives too. Subsititue a vegetarian chili for a vegetarian twist :p

Sorry Daniel. I don't have pictures to prove it :(

Another way to use chili is to layer it with nachos like you would layer a lasagna. Instead of noodles use a good nacho chip. Layer like lasagna, with the pre cooked chili adding cheese between the layers. Bake in oven until cheeses melts. Top with sour cream.

Or instead of chili. Cook extra lean ground beef in a pan, drain and add beef back to the pan, add pecante sauce or salsa cook an additional 10 minutes to have the sauce meld nicely together .
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