More threads by NicNak


Resident Canuck
I am so relieved. I posted a bit ago about being afraid to see my Psychiatrist. I was afraid cause I am off work, that i was letting him down (he says I don't view it like that) and that he was going to be upset with me cause my family doctor wrote me off as "currently considered disabled"

He was totally fine. He was smiling cause he saw I was happy that I have been cooking nice dinners since being off and feeding the turtles at my friends rescue. I asked him if it was ok for me to be feeling happy, cause I should be working. He told me not to be afraid to be happy about what I am doing. I told him I made a nice backrib dinner with roasted potatoes for mom and I and was happy how it was. Then I joked and said I still have not mastered how to cook chicken, he then said "But you cooked ribs, ribs are delicious and you did that good"

I told him I can manage the anxiety while away from work. If I am out shopping and feel anxious I can leave the store, go to the car, relax for a bit and ride it out and then return to the store. At work I cannot do that.

He told me never to worry, that he is not judging me. He also told me again, not to hesitate to go to the emergency room if I feel bad. And they will stabalize me. (He always tries to assure me they won't hurt me there)

He asked about my financial supports and I told him I got my EI approved for the full 15 weeks then I have union sick pool credits. Then LTIP. He said next appointment we will re assess and see how I am and what to do next. He said not to worry, that he will put me off on disability if we think it is necessary.

I am so relieved...................


Resident Canuck
Thank you Into The Light. It is such a relief. I seem to always know in the back of my mind that he completly believes me, but I still for some reason get afraid I am going to disapoint him or be a let down or something.

He was smiling a lot when I was telling him the things I have been doing. I think cause he could see I was happy too, for the first time in many, many years. :D


It must be a weight off your shoulders, and great that your at ease with your psychiatrist.
Some days I think cooking can be like therapy, at least until I get to the dangerous part. Lucky for me I've had hazmat training. step, chicken AND ribs. :turtle3:
Great news I wish I could have a psychiatrist that is so understanding. I don't have one right now. I have a psychoanalyst who is very good but he doesn't give out medications.



Resident Canuck
Thank you! Sparrow, Sue, Halo and White Page. I am still breathing sighs of relief today.

Sue, I consider myself very lucky to have a good Psychiatrist and formost a good Family Doctor. She is an awsome first resource and fantastic support. I am also lucky that my Psychiatrist and Family Doctor know one another and work together with my health.

Right now they are working on helping me except not working and excepting disability, it is a hard pill (no pun intended :nana: ) to swallow for me.

Thanks for your kind words and your encouragement when I was nervous about seeing my Psychiatrist last week. It helped me very much.

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