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I'm taking 30mgs cymbalta and 30 mgs remeron but my anxiety is still sky high and I'm sooo depressed with suicidal thoughts. What else is available?


Re: what other meds other than AD for severe depression and suicidal thoughts

Hi Vinton,

Have you told your prescribing doctor about your anxiety and depression? If not, I'd recommend you get in to see him or her asap. These are really important issues that need to be addressed by your doctor. The best we can do here is provide some support in the process, but we can't really recommend anything as we're not doctors. Your doctor is really your best resource for that, because there are so many medications, all of which have specifications that may or may not make them appropriate for you.

How long have you been having these thoughts? Do you have any plans to act on them?


Actually I'm waiting to be admitted probably for drug change. My problem is 75% anxiety causing the depression. After I posted I found out that remeron was not recommended for anxiety and I'm on a low dose of cymbalta. Guess they will target the problem better if I'm in the hospital.

Thanks for your help
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