More threads by Chantelle


I am 25 mother of one (soon to be 2). I was diagnosed with "bipolar" about six months ago and spent some time in the hospital six months before that. I was discharged with Postpartum and some kind of bi-polar that doesnt sound all that bad, it's like the lesser of the disorder a kind of high functioning form 8 months later I was diagnosed with straight up bipolar ... I completely disagree with this diagnosis and stopped taking my medication as soon as I was able to. It made me very tired, fat, lazy and apathetic. I had to stop taking it in order to function and feel emotions normally. I admit I am quick to anger, but I worked hard for everything I had and I don't have patient for certain types of people.

So, with that being said. Can I apply for disability? I was unable to work or get through a regular day without feeling completely exhausted. I wasn't able to work on the medication... so am I able to apply for disability benefits?

I also have a back problem from work that has gotten worse with repeat movement from work and from the pregnancy with my first child. I will be applying for my back, but could I also do a combination of the two?

Is it normal to be tired all the time? I think my Psychiatrist is an idiot... how do I go about changing my psychiatrist.

I have just been thinking about this recently, as I had to leave my job a few months ago and start my medication again.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
If you don't feel you can work with your psychiatrist, go back to your family doctor and request a referral to someone else.

If you reacted poorly to the medication he prescribed, request something else - there are lots of options now for treating bipolar disorder. If you suffer from bipolar disorder, and are having active symptoms (as you appear to be), not being on some form of medication really isn't a viable option.

If you want to apply for ODSP, you will need to

1. Get thorough documentation of your diagnoses, symptoms, and limitations from any physicians and mental health professionals you have seen.

2. Demonstrate that you are taking advantage of any options for getting yourself healthy and managing your symptoms, and that despite this you are still unable to work. Not taking medications prescribed for your condition would be considered noncompliance with medical recommendations and may be a reason to deny your application.

3. The same applies to your back problem.


ok thanks. I wasn't reffered by my family physician... he is also an incompetent idiot. I got to the walk in if I can help it. I was referred to fat ass by some proccess in the hospital. I chose to go there and was put on a a form 1 when I left but came back for my phone. This whole time I've felt I've been manipulated to go along with some b.s. that''s considered apart of health care. I don't believe in uneccesary meds that do more harm than good and I don't believe these people are doctors.

---------- Post Merged at 07:35 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 07:32 PM ----------

How long do you have to be considered mentally ill? How severe does it have to be? Should I play it up and take advantage since this ******* obviously likes to overmedicate and screw peoples lives?

---------- Post Merged at 07:46 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 07:32 PM ----------

What do you mean thorough documentation? What do I need? I'm pretty sure I can't just ask my psychiatrist to do something and have him actually do it without making a fatal mistake that madethe whole effort pointless... the man writes scripts for a living, there have been four occasions that he has forgotten his own signature or I.D. or something and rendered the prescription useless...He not only made the mistake but didn't make an effort to fix it. I had to go wait in a walk in clinic to take medication I didnt want or need because this idiot can't do his job. It would be a **** off under normal circumstances but feeling exhausted by the medication on top of everything... Has lead me to the conclusion that this guy is a fumbling idiot with a degree that should be used as toilet paper.
So I actually need to know what needs to be in there in detail to make sure he actually put it in... I can't exactly leave it up to an unproffessional... "proffesional". It would be a waste of time and (if I have to pay for it) money.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Wow. You certainly have a LOT of anger... :panic:

I told you how the system works in my previous post above. You may not like it but if you want your application for ODSP to be taken seriously with any chance of approval, you are going have to work within the system and that means working with all these "idiots", "incompetents|, and "fat asses". With the attitude you've displayed here, I wouldn't count on being successful.


I'm not really counting on it either... but the point is to make the idiot understand that his methods are crippling. I nearly lost my job because of his choices. It's easy to sit there and delegate and speculate and decide a persons fate... when you have no idea what it's like to live that persons life. He's a psychiatrist thats too good to fix his own simple mistakes... I don't believe he thinks it would be necessary to do a competent job at helping me along with an application. He's probably never had to work in the service industry or keep a real job in a real proffesion so I'm not overly concerned about getting an approval. I can work. But if he thinks disabling people and keeping them from functioning normally is the right thing to do... hell, I'll just have to take advantage won't I?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
... or maybe the problems you've experienced are the result of your symptoms and you've now ensured that you have minimal chance of managing those symptoms without the help of the medical professionals you choose to blame for your predicament?
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