More threads by weonlycomeoutatnight

-sigh- where to begin.... i feel dead, pain killers won't even take away the pain now. i'm alone and shattered, i can't bring myself to cut. I'm just to tired to do anything. My life is a prison and i can't escape. People in my life don't understand the constant pain and fear i deal with they always downgrade my feelings to just a bored teenager with things see isn't happy about. nothing is going to change the way i feel....Something is wrong with me... i feel numb nearly everyday, i hear things sometimes, i don't eat like i used too. too me my life has no meaning... and i can't see my future as anything but this.... i just don't know.


Re: can't get a hold of myself

I don't reall from earlier posts, are you receiving treatment at present?

pain killers won't even take away the pain now

Are you using prescribed pain reliever medication for a specific physical condition or are you referring to emotional pain you are experiencing?
Re: can't get a hold of myself

ii just started therapy.. isn't doing much but we'll see. and yes the painkillers are for my emotional pain, i've been probablly abusing them for at least 2 months


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: can't get a hold of myself

I'm so sorry you are in such a lot of pain.

I wonder if you have ever spoken to your health professional about the option of medication? Taking medicine for your emotional health doesn't mean that you are "crazy" or anything. Heaps of cool, happy people take a medicine to help them be that way... Before, they struggled and struggled and felt so bad. But after they found the right medicine, it helped them to have the correct healthy functioning that allowed them to feel much better and get what they want in life.

Because the way we feel is a LOT to do with what chemicals are in our brains. Some people have glands that don't produce enough insulin, so they have diabetes... but once they take extra insulin it is a big thing that helps that problem.

In millions of people it can be very similar with brain chemicals. A boost from the correct medicine is needed, to feel good enough and have enough energy to deal with things well.

It could be important to chat about this whenever you have a chance to see the person who helps you, or a normal medical doctor. Make sure you tell them EVERYTHING about your thoughts and feelings and that you think about cutting, and all the things you do in life or ways you try to feel better. They wont freak out. This is the only way to get the best chance for a good life... keep talking to medical or professional people, different ones if needed, until you really feel that one of them is helping you make changes and learn new things. Especially make sure they also are open to helping you with medicine or can tell you another doctor who can be the one to handle medicines for you.

I hope you find the right help soon to get a better life and better feelings! Everyone deserves healthy emotions and the good life that can come once we get them to be healthy. Hugs!!


Account Closed
I am sorry you are feeling bad. The teenage years are tough times to figure out. A hard time to get through and figure out who and what you are going to be. You should find support for yourself whether that be in therapy, a close relative or person near to you. I would think no one understood me (especially my parents) and I was just crying out to be heard.

Hang in there and seek the help you mom always said it could be worse, so I keep those words close to me every time it gets bad.


I'd also ask all the same questions which have already been asked.

I'm so sorry you are going through this. In many ways, I can see the similarities between us and sympathise big time. Even though I'm 27 years old, I find that I am also asking the same questions as you are and have been doing so since my teenage years.

It's good that you are getting help now which will hopefully help you so that you won't have to deal with such difficulties later on in life.

Wishing you the best and awaiting your reply. ;)
I'd also ask all the same questions which have already been asked.

I'm so sorry you are going through this. In many ways, I can see the similarities between us and sympathise big time. Even though I'm 27 years old, I find that I am also asking the same questions as you are and have been doing so since my teenage years.

It's good that you are getting help now which will hopefully help you so that you won't have to deal with such difficulties later on in life.

Wishing you the best and awaiting your reply. ;)

Thanks, i'm doing ok in group therapy, tomorrow is my second one on one i'm kinda nervous... :/
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