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:rx:I used to be on all these medications Effexor, cymbalta, Depakote, serquol, and klonipin. Now Im off of everything excpet for the Effexor witch is a small dose and my klonipin for sleep. Im a little worried that once im off all of this I might revert back to my old habbits and or get depressed again. ( Remember I might be moving to Colorado):panic::unsure::crazy::eek:
Yeah they know that Im off all of those medications except for the effexor they don't know about, but I live with a doctor so Im ok.........:noidea:



I am glad that your doctor knows about your medication reductions but I would strongly advise you to speak to your doctor before discontinuing the Effexor.

I don't know if you were just kidding when you said that you were living with a doctor so you were ok but either way I still would really recommend that you speak to the prescribing doctor so s(he) can be a partner in your medication decisions.


I think Halo is right. I'm no expert but looking at the long list of medication, I would add that a Psychiatrist might even be a better resource for you. Living with a doctor only put the doctor in a tough situation in regards to his objectivity. If you are anticipating a stressful event (moving) why not wait till you are settled in? Why the big rush?

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