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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Is What You’re Reading Junk? Evaluating the Quality of Mental Health Websites, Part 1
by Mike Nichols on July 14, 2009

The internet allows patients, consumers, physicians, and other mental health care professionals to quickly access mental health information.

Millions of Americans search for mental health information on the web every year. Whether the information is needed for personal reasons or for a loved one, millions of mental health-related web pages are viewed. Sometimes the information found is authoritative, unbiased, and just what was needed. Other searches end in the retrieval of inaccurate, even dangerous, information.

How do you know whether the site you’re looking at presents valid, up-to-date information, or whether it is trying to sell you something, the rantings of a lunatic with an axe to grind, or otherwise bogus?

This article is intended to be a guide for you in your search for trustworthy information. It outlines the collective wisdom of medical librarians, mental health professionals, professional associations, and other experts who surf the web every day to discover quality information in support of clinical and scientific decision-making by professionals responsible for the nation’s mental health.

What is the purpose of the site?
This is the first question you should ask. Is the site informational? Is it intended to sell you something? Is the author ranting about a pet peeve or an off-the-wall theory?

The website should clearly state whether the information is intended for the consumer or the health professional. Many health information websites have two different areas — one for consumers, one for professionals. The design of the site should make selection of one area over the other clear to the user.

This question is related to who runs and pays for the site. An “About This Site” link should be present on the site. If it’s not there, it should raise red flags. But if it’s there, use it. The purpose of the site should be clearly stated and should help you evaluate the trustworthiness of the information.

Who owns the site? How is it funded?
Any good health-related Web site should make it easy for you to learn who is responsible for the site and its information. and how it is funded.

Can you easily identify the site sponsor? Sponsorship is important because it helps establish the site as respected and dependable. Does the site list advisory board members or consultants? This may give you further insights on the credibility of information published by the site.

The web address itself can provide additional information about the nature of the site and the sponsor’s intent.

  • A government agency or site sponsored by the Federal government has .gov in the address.
  • An educational institution is indicated by .edu in the address.
  • A professional organization such as a scientific or research society [may] be identified as .org. For example, the American Cancer Society’s website is
  • Commercial sites are most often identified by .com, and will identify the sponsor as a company, for example Merck & Co., the pharmaceutical firm.
  • Non-commercial sites can be designated by .com, too, and also .net. The .com in the address is often chosen to make the site appear more professional or authoritative.
The site should fully disclose the identities of commercial and noncommercial organizations that have contributed funding, services, or material to the site. Look for an “about us” page to check to see who runs the site. Know who is responsible for the content. Advertisements should be labeled. They should say “Advertisement” or “From our Sponsor.”

Be on guard for bias and competing interests
Nearly every author of every article ever written has an unspoken agenda that guides their writing. Psychologists, and even researchers, can be influenced by their background and education. Psychiatrists are often influenced by pharmaceutical marketing materials and their own medical training.

Educated internet users can use this understanding of an author’s motivations to help discern the value of information found online. A research news brief from the National Institute of Mental Health is likely to be less biased than a research news brief from a pharmaceutical company. A press release from a university describing some new therapy research will tend to be more biased than the actual peer-reviewed study.

Beware of sites selling products or services. A site selling Anxiety “cures” has an obvious bias, and any articles found there should be taken with a large grain of salt. A pharmaceutical company’s site may have a mix of factual articles, such as drug information, and articles biased in favor of their products. Someone selling their psychotherapy services online may subtly shape their articles (or links to other articles) to reflect a more pro-therapy stance. The key is to understand that this bias exists in many articles found online, and to use caution in relying on the information they provide.

Authorship and affiliation are important
Every page on the internet has been authored by someone, somewhere, at some specific time in the past. Unfortunately, most pages on most sites do not include this very basic information. Every article should name its author, the date it was written, and include information about the author, including affiliations. If there is no short biography or affiliations listed, look for an “about” page for this information.

If authorship and affiliation are not readily evident, the reader should question the validity of the article. Authorship also helps one determine possible bias in the article’s presentation of information.

Authority and cited sources
One of the major points of contention raised by critics about blogging and online information is that it lacks filters. In other words, it is missing the editorial process: the fact checker correcting inaccurate information, the copy editor tweaking grammar, and the editor determining objectivity and relevance. In print publications, authority resides both in the identity of the author and with the publisher. This combination of individual and institutional authority lends the reader valuable clues about the credibility of the source material. This kind of authority is missing on the internet.

An important way to check the authority of mental health information online is to look for cited sources. Articles should have clinical research, authoritative articles and books, and other trustworthy sources of information as an integral part of the information provided. Every medical fact or figure should have references to back it up.

A person seeking mental health information online is seeking a balanced and authoritative understanding of the condition. However, this has become increasingly difficult because some websites and blogs blur the lines between facts and opinions. And sometimes we as readers tend to confuse facts with opinions — or emphasize one over the other — to the detriment of understanding.

If the article is the author’s opinion, it should be clearly stated. Opinions or advice should be clearly set apart from information that is “evidence-based” (that is, based on research results). Beware of articles that do not offer external medical evidence to back up their claims, or that do not make it clear that the opinion or advice offered is personal.

Resources used in this post:
Thanks you for posting this important article, I read a lot of material on medical sites (eg: also some sites with medical information on them, it is good to have these pointers as I have come across some sites with no authors accredited, I do tend to look for the authors or links to the authors pages but sometimes I do not, it is good to see and to have a reminder here on what to look for on medical sites.



In addition to determining whether the material presented is referenced, it's important to be aware of the quality of the references being cited.

In recent years, the quacks, scam artists and medical hucksters have caught on to the idea that people want to see references. Sites promoting unproven or questionable treatments frequently post references to journals or studies that are self manufactured, self serving sources.

Legitimate studies are published in known peer reviewed journals that have been subjected to scrutiny by the scientific community.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Evaluating the Quality of Mental Health Websites, Part 2

Is What You?re Reading Junk? Evaluating the Quality of Mental Health Websites, Part 2
by Mike Nichols
July 15, 2009

The internet is a minefield full of inaccurate, biased sites.

How do you tell the difference between good information and bad information? You need a guide to help you evaluate sites, to tell whether the articles presented are valid and accurate, to discover when someone is trying to sell you something, and to discern between a legitimate view and a crackpot?s rant.

How old is the information? When was it published or reviewed?
Mental health information eventually becomes stale in light of ongoing research, so it needs to be constantly updated to reflect the most recent knowledge and understanding available. Publication and review dates allow an internet user to judge how current and relevant the information is likely to be.

Current misinformation is still misinformation, so currency is no guarantee by itself of reliable, quality mental health information. But this is one more piece of information you can look for to help you judge the overall accuracy and reliability of the article you are reading.

Web sites should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. It is particularly important that mental health information be current. The most recent update or review date should be clearly posted. Even if the information has not changed, you want to know whether the site owners have reviewed it recently to ensure that it is still valid.

Does the site support the doctor-patient relationship?
Many sites, especially those selling ?cures,? implicitly sever the doctor-patient relationship and substitute their remedies for professional mental health care solutions. They often will openly challenge the validity of professional mental health care in favor of their product. It is typical that none of the site?s claims relating to benefits and performance are backed up with anything more than customers? testimonials. If any medical endorsement is presented at all, it will be from a single source whose authority is questionable.

Reputable sites hold the doctor-patient relationship as inviolable and recommend consulting your doctor before using (and hopefully, buying) their product.

Any mental health information on such sites should be approached with extreme caution. Be instantly suspicious if the emphasis is on selling you a product or touting a product.

Privacy, advertising, and other policies should be clearly stated
Every site should have a privacy and advertising policy at a minimum, even if it?s as simple as, ?We don?t collect personally identifiable information on this site, nor do we accept advertising.? That?s a policy that is clear, concise, and transparent. If you can?t glance at a site?s policy and pick up the main points, the site may not be worth spending too much time on.

For a privacy policy, the main points are what information they collect from you and what do they do with it. Frequently you are asked for your email address and name to register, subscribe, or become a member of a health-related site. In addition, web sites routinely track the path users take through their sites to determine what pages are being used through the use of ?cookies.? You should know that many sites sell the information you provide to other companies, and that ?cookies? can be used not only to follow you as you browse the internet, but identify you for advertising purposes.

You should look for and read the site?s privacy policy before giving them any information. If the site does not have a privacy policy, do not provide them with any personal data under any circumstances. If you suspect that the site uses cookies, either turn them off in your browser or leave immediately.

The main points for an advertising policy are whom do they allow to advertise on their site, whether the advertisers have any say over their content, and what do they do with their revenues. If you don?t agree with their answers, or their answers are hard to discern from their policies, move along to another, more transparent site.

How does the site interact with visitors?
There should always be a way for you to contact the site owner if you run across problems, have questions, or want to send feedback. Somewhere on the screen should be a ?Contact? or similarly worded link that will allow you to interact with the site owner or their representative. If the site provides no contact information, or if you can?t easily find out who runs the site, use caution. If you do contact the site, another gauge of their credibility is the promptness of their reply and whether it is a form letter or a personal note.

If the site hosts chat rooms or other online discussion areas, it should tell visitors what the terms of using this service are. Is it moderated? If so, by whom, and why? It is always a good idea to spend time reading the discussion without joining in, so that you feel comfortable with the environment before becoming a participant.

What do you think?
I have a specialized browser optimized for search, DEVONagent. I can enter a search query and get sites from many sources on the internet that a Google search alone would miss. Sometimes it produces hundreds of hits that are closely related to my search terms. It never ceases to amaze and surprise me how many sites are invalidated based on the criteria outlined in this guide ? at least half of them, and according to the search keywords, sometimes more.

This is disturbing to me, since many people innocently put in a search term, and pick only the first two or three at the top of Google?s list for their information. Often these are the most inaccurate they could find!

Resources used in this post:
Grohol, John M. (2007, January 11). Reliability and Validity in a Web 2.0 World.
Grohol, John M. (2007, December 4). Evaluating the Quality of Mental Health Websites.
Kroski, Ellyssa. (2006, February 20). Authority in the Age of the Amateur.
Medical Library Association. (2008, July 25). A User?s Guide to Finding and Evaluating Health Information on the Web.
Medline Plus. (2006, February 13). Medline Plus Guide to Healthy Web Surfing.
National Cancer Institute. (2005, September 1). How to Evaluate Health Information on the Internet: Questions and Answers.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (2008, August 27). 10 Things to Know About Evaluating Medical Resources on the Web.
National Institute on Aging. (2005, August). Health Quackery: Spotting Health Scams.
Schloman, Barbara F. (2002, December 16). Information Resources: Quality of Health Information on the Web: Where Are We Now?
Winker, Margaret; Flanagin, Annette; Chi-Lum, Bonnie; White, John; Andrews, Karen; Kennett, Robert; DeAngelis, Catherine; Musacchio, Robert. (2008, August 1). Guidelines for medical and health information sites on the Internet.
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