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About a year ago I filed for divorce after 7 years of marriage. My marriage was not the very best, we had a lot of difficulties, to name a few; my husband kept away secrets, didn't like me to have any friends, we had not much communication, verbal/mental abuse, lot's of criticism and he had always all the control of finances (banks, credit cards etc.), whenever I needed money I had to ask. At this time only he worked as I was not well health wise for a long time. Of course he also had some good qualities I certainly miss.

Lately we are talking more often and he wants to start all over again. I don't know why, but I am feeling so sorry, pity and compassion for him.

How can I overcome the need of pleasing others but me? I could see myself going back to him just not to see him being alone and hurt instead of taking care of my own self and do what is good for me?

What is wrong with me? I don’t love him anymore but hate to be the one who say’s no to our relationship/marriage, I think it would had been easier for me if he would had done the move of ending our marriage. Why do I rather be the victim and be turned down than me doing it to him and also others?

Please help.

Thank you so much!

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
What do you think would be his reaction if you told him the only reason you are considering reconciliation is because you feel pity for him?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Yes, but you wouldn't be fine. You'd be going back to what you left. And there was a reason you left in the first place.

This just sounds like a very bad idea for you.
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