More threads by Ashley-Kate

You walk into the room you smile you act all pretty and show how good you look in your newest little dress, yet slightly uncomfortable because you are so used to wearing those over sized sweats lying on your bed because you took them off just before leaving, you panic when you see the table with the buffet and you avoid it every chance you get stay as far from is as possible convinced yourself already that if you stay far from it you are safe! now to the average person this already seems weird, chocolate covered almonds in a bowl you gag at the thought of eating that and average person would probably grab a hand full and think yum. your brain has not worked that way in a while. you just think yuck.

You start to realize that people are staring beyond you you wonder what they are looking at you turn around yet nothing so you keep walking you are proud in some sick way of this stick figure you have become, yet no one says a thing they hardly even look at you to them you are still nothing, you analyze their reaction to you in your own little troubled head and think you didn't lose enough just another few pounds that will be good they will see you you will be happy and pretty you will be in control.

You walk by people and they seem to be talking about you you try to listen in and yet understand only bits and pieces of their conversations, such a pretty girl , implicated in so much, lovely eyes, you finally feel that they noticed you. You reach the front of this room you are in of this party that is being held yet there is this large box in the front of the room and on the side on a little stand there lays a picture of you a couple years ago, maybe when you were younger when you looked happy, when you were healthy.on the bottom of that picture lay the dates 1988-2009.

you finally start to understand the invisibility you have had that hole night the lack of attention you have received you reached your goal honey you made it to the weight you reached even invisible. Your casket closed your family was too pained to say their goodbyes to what the eating disorder left behind.

in loving memory of the girls i spent months with at the hospital but mostly to those who never came out.
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Re: if i let her win

I am glad you were able to stay strong Ashley Kate and now you can educate others with eating disorders how dangerous it can become. Your struggle with this illness may help other girls see it is not the way. Thank you for your strength and your caring Mary
Ashley-Kate , This is about the most moving and lucid description of an eating disorder I have ever read.

It takes great courage to write about it so honestly , how it really is and how life threatening it is , of how the self image , the perception of oneself is so distorted that one is unaware of the damage that this can do physically .

Thank you for sharing this , It must have been very difficult to write .

in loving memory of the girls i spent months with at the hospital but mostly to those who never came out.
I wish you all the best on your road to complete recovery .hugs wp
Thank you, guys.

Yeah I guess I was very emotional lately and needed to get some things out to show myself as well as others how dangerous this disorder is and how I need to hold on to something that will keep me in life just a little longer to see its beauty.


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Hi Ash,

I read this in the middle of the night when we were both on. And I couldn't respond to it because I was so moved by it. I agree with WP, it's probably the most lucid and insightful description of the illness I've ever read.

And like you, I'm a little emotional lately...I've just been told recently that I now have to do some work on my anorexic behaviours - something I never thought I'd have to deal with at my age (I'm a lot older).

While I was diagnosed a very long time ago by a doctor, I've never been treated for it. I "thought" that I had handled it on my own. I saw a psychologist who specializes in eating disorders who gently told me that anorexia doesn't go away on its own. You have to work on learning what your patterns are so that you can change them - so together we're going to do that.

You are a strong person Ash. You took on this battle and you're still moving forward. I for one am really proud of you and, many of us here can learn so much from you and your experiences. Thank you Ash :)
Thank you!

I am slowly making choices that will help me in my fight. I was going to move into an appartment on my own in July but I have decided to go live with roomates in a bigger appartment but to not be alone.

Ashley It was so beautifully done it's making me cry.

I noticed your postings lately seemed to be from somebody who is thinking more clearly then before. I noticed in your posting the improvements in you.

Take Care

thinking more clearly maybe., i guess in some ways i have always thought like that but i guess right now i am thinking more in an adult way as i think towards a futur that i might have one day if i beat the eating disorder as i talk to other woman who are now much older than me and have lost some of the opportunities that wll come soon for me but only if i get my life back on track, am i doing better maybe i guess in some ways i am i am eating not because i enjoye it but because i need to i am allowing myself to be "watched" by my familly as i informed them last week that i was losing the fight once again.

I am allowing myself to start different things, as i am going to visit an appartment tomorrow i am planning on living with 2 other people to men for that matter that i don't even know but that seem to be great people and are looking for a roomate! i am giving myself a chance to be a 20 year old instead of a 50 year old in the body of an 11 years old.

i am letting go of the control i thought i needed but slowly. I went back to a group in the hospital i once lived in for a while and i went on the floor that i stayed in and went to my old room and as i went the nurses that knew me were there too and showed me a wall, a wall with pictures of the girls that didn't make it and little notes from their friends and familly as i looked at this wall i saw pictures of girls that i lived with and it hit me then that i was not going to be the girl that has her parents signature on a picture saying that i was a great person!

i was not going to allow them to burry me. i went back to spending most days at my brothers house i still can't function on my own that is why the whole roomate thing will help me a lot and the fun thing about it is they are very social and they enjoye having meals as a group so well it will be interesting. Anyway thanks to all of you !


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I'm really happy to hear that you're making good judgments for yourself Ash. Just remember to listen to that inner "protective" voice.

And :yahoo: on the new apartment - that's exciting. When do you think you'll be moving in?
I wish you all the best Ashley-Kate in getting well and staying well. It sounds like you have started a new adventure for yourself and i hope it works out well for you take care Mary


Beautiful post. Written with clarity, understanding, and deep reflection.

If you let her win, what becomes of Ashley Kate? What becomes of the little bundle of joy brought home from the hospital so many years ago? What becomes of the pictures of the little girl taking her first steps, saying her first words,
crying on her first day of school, crying at the sight of a baby bird fallen from its nest?

The world would be a sadder, quieter place without Ashley bringing smiles to faces as she used to, or listening to her words as she tries to comfort a friend.

Your friend
thank you for your message! it is nice to feel that i am important to people. I have been so good at masking my eating disorder and helping others through their rough patches i had basically given up on myself and truly believed that anyone could make it through the disorder but that me it was done i was done the fight.

i had set a date in my head at the age of 10 when most of the behaviors started promising myself that it would only last a couple of months and then a couple of years then i promised myself i would start being normal again at 16 then 18 then 20 and now i have decided to stop putting dates to everything i have decided to realize that this may take time this may take my hole life to actually get better completely and i may always have a little part of me that will have the need to purge when i over eat or the need to go run a couple of mile when i do eat but that is who i am i guess i am the girl that will probably never be "fat" but will always see herself as being fat, but i have to realize that that is what the disorder sees and not necessarily what is the truth.

I finally see my Dr. after fleeing her for the past.. hmmm 5 months i made an appointment a month ago and i am seeing her on Thursday, in the past months she has been updated on me by my psychologist but hasn't seen me i am a bit nervous because i know how i have been doing and i already have health problems do to the eating disorder so i am only imagining what she is going to say when she sees me and then what the tests will say.. but i am trying to be strong!
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You've helped me understand where I am in the process in the past few months that I've known you...Don't ever sell yourself short. I don't know that i would have been as insightful with my new psychologist but for our conversations lately. I'm always great at dolling out the advice to others. But, when it comes to me following the advice, I stink. I'm someone who falls back into those old patterns after what I consider a crisis...So, I've been there for the past few months, unsure of how to get myself out. You are and will always be much stronger than you give yourself credit for at times...

So, again, from the bottom of my heart, thanks Ash. :hug:

And of course, I'll be thinking of you on Thursday...:)
thank you Jazzey, you have no idea how rewarding it is to know that i was able to help you out. When i was at my worst in this disorder i would have nightmares of falling asleep and not waking up, and then the next night i would not sleep just in case that i wouldn't wake up.. i know it sounds pretty stupid but the fact is i was terrified of dying deep in me i still wanted to live. I know this disorder very well better than i ever though possible i know when i am more easy to help and when it is basically impossible to reason with me i know when i need help but i also know that sometimes i am just not ready to receive it just yet.i realized that when i am in a bulimic phase i am more fragile and will look for help, because i can see how i am and the hole purging thing is very hard on me emotionally, when i am in a restrictive phase i probably need the most help because i can't really see what is going on but it is the time that i don't ask for help and feel i don't need it. that is how my e-d works i know it very well.

I was diagnosed with anorexia over 10 years ago, i have been restricting food since the age of 5 and purging at the age of 7 i feel very old in some ways because the whole teen phase i skipped it i don't know what it is like to stay out past curfew or go out to the bar under age or party till i am sick go out to the restaurant with friends go to birthday parties or even have a steady boyfriend these are things i skipped because i didn't want to go through the hole growing up part but by skipping it i matured so very fast i stepped into the real world and studied food calories mental disorders and mostly eating disorders, i spent many years trying to understand my obsessiveness with certain numbers and understanding the human mind in order to manipulate my family and friends into not realizing i was slowly fading away. at the age of 12 i tried to end my life then 3 other times after that, i ended up in the hospital 7 times for my eating disorder and the last time was released with the knowledge that the program i was in considered me a chronic case of anorexia nervosa saying that i do have moments of being better but relapse because i refuse to solve the issues behind the disorder that may be true but i do have better days and maybe some day i will want more of those better days.

so if my story can help others get well and better than so be it i could not ask for more. thank you. It's hard to fallow our own advice we do know what to do yet when it comes to doing it, it is so much easier to procrastinate and push to next week. i am not ready quite yet nest Tuesday i will be or maybe Thursday..
there is no date to be ready really you just basically have to chose to slowly chose life


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It is hard Ash. I know what it is I'm supposed to do. But as I stated before, I'm much better at dolling out the advice than to put it into practice for myself. :)

At my age, I'm still counting numbers. Which until recently (when we talked Ash) I didn't think was really a problem - because I didn't want it to be.

Having said all of this- you're on the right path, and I'm proud of you. You did / and are doing to do what you need to do to get healthy again. And, you were very lucky to have the programs that you have had. I also tried to take my life when I was 12 years old. Soon after, I started "dieting" with meals that weren't fit for a mouse.

But in my day in age, the only advice was from my doctor, which was simply: "stop doing that". I was made to keep a food log for a period of time. That was the extent of the help. But again, I think it was a different generation Ash.

You have helped me understand a lot of things over the past few months. So, without going into too many details - I do credit you for my honesty with my new therapist Ash. I'm too old for this. But in you, I recognized myself - and I was honest with the new psychologist about what I was doing.

OK - Leaving the corney stuff now - thanks again Ash. And may both of our journeys lead us to a successful, healthy life. :hug: :hug:
HAHA! i am such an emotional wreck these days that i have already started to cry how pathetic! no really, i truly believe by giving advice to others you understand more what you need to do and you hear it in your head once in a while and it will click so yeah we are good at giving advice but our advice comes from us and somewhere in us we will one day realize that well why don't we just try it out for change. when someone has Cancer they get chemo when someone has anorexia or bulimia they have to eat and learn how to eat.. and then work on the rebuilding it is the same as any other disorder in so many ways but in some we have to work a little harder because in our case it's not the Dr.s that will do the effort it is us. but the person with cancer has to deal with the hard times of the treatment and so do we... who said getting better was easy!

lets fight this little butt head and kick it to the curb! ;) a more funny way to put it..
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