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I look everyday around me for inspiration. Some days it comes easy, other days it's hard to find in the dark. I know for certain it is there. Always. Whether I have to dig it out of myself or get inspired through people in text, video, or in person. There is also inspiration in nature or my Golden Retriever who has a difficult time walking with his hip deterioration and still gets up to wag his tail when he sees me. It is my mission on a daily basis to find it and make the most of it. I don't need instant gratification as the pundits say this is a time we live in. I try to take the good with the bad with grace. There will be days where I feel the world is against me and I remind myself of the fabrications of my mind. It takes work to be happy. For some it just takes a little more.

As my namesake says: "With all it's sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy." -Even if it takes inspiration to do so.
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