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I've been advised to start noting my moods throughout the day/month and i found it really hard so did some research and asked a few friends what they thought

I've started using a website that lets you rate your mood, and it plots them onto graphs and onto a coloured Calendar to show each day of the year as a mood colour. Its not medical looking so doesnt feel heavy and intense when i log in, it feels easy [if that makes sense]

the inner geek in me really loves it, and actually i find it MUCH MUCH easier and less formal than a paper diary

i was hoping you'd find it as useful as I have, its really cute and super easy

I also linked it to my facebook so that I can post my moods to my facebook friends - properly geeky! :-D

Sam xxxx


Re: keeping a mood diary/journal

That's great sjohnson
Tracking online is definitely better than on paper. I am glad you find it useful. Thanks for posting the link. :)
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