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Today I was thinking about recalling memories in 1st person (being yourself) and recalling memories in 3rd person (observing yourself). I am a highly sensitive person and most of my memories are in 3rd person. I was asking a lot of my friends how they stored their memories and most of them said 1st person. Giving it a lot of thought, I have realized that remembering memories in 1st person is extremely powerful and emotional for me. It gives off too much sensory input and energy thus giving me anxiety. I was wondering whether or not other people felt the same way. For me, I find it helpful to remember memories in 3rd person but I'm not sure if this is something healthy to do. What are your experiences with recalling memories and what do you think about the difference between 1st person and 3rd person memories? Could 3rd person memories be a highly sensitive person trait?
3rd person memories is what she experienced the one from the past lst person is the here and now person that is how i see things I think it is to painful to do elsewise
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