More threads by Ashley-Kate

I am slowly recovering i think and i believe that it' the first time i can actually say that i am recovering. I hit an ultimate low about a month or 2 ago and lost complete control of my weight loss and of myself. I realized the hard way that i was not ready to leave this earth.

As i am slowly getting back on my feet i am setting boundaries that i never thought i would be able to set but came to th conclusion that my recovery would never be successful until i was able to understand what i really wanted from recovery. So i planned it: the steps i wanted to take and the ones i was not so sure about but know that i will have to take.

I started with the hole food thing knowing that i would never be able to get better if i didn't put some weight back on and reach a healthier size. I then realized that i hate jogging or at least jogging for more than 45 minutes at a time so i stopped it all together. I spent 2 weeks only walking and allowing myself to understand my body at the same time.I went to a Dr. to get test done to see if everything was okay and i came to realize that i had many deficiencies and the bones of a 70 year old at 23 years old. I am allowing my body to rebuild slowly. I am starting rollerblading next week and i am also going rock climbing and next summer sky diving. I went to a movie lat night with my boyfriend and sat through th hole movie something that i thought i would never want to do because simply sitting was something i could not do. I allowed myself to sleep in this morning. I chose to only do sports that i enjoy and that I can do with others i will go jogging again probably not alone at first. I noticed that when i have someone with me i fallow their lead when they start to get tired i slow down i don't rely on my limit because i have none at the moment i rely on others i go for a walk but before leaving i ask if it's a realistic walking distance

i guess i wanted to share this with everyone because all this time i was hoping to find some kind of clue to what recovery is but it's different for everyone. I chose to remain vegetarian but some may see that as restriction i chose to remain in a extremely healthy way of eating not in restricting but simply in eating thins that are good for my body i will allow myself treats but i simply want to feed my body good stuff for a while. I chose to seek therapy from a psychologist that is not specialized because i realized that my eating disorder is a symptom of so much more and after spending most of my life trying to fix ED i realized i didn't need to fix it i needed to understand why it existed and fix that. I am with my boyfriend that has been with me through the ups and downs of the last year. I have came so far ad eve want to go back I still purge in the last 2 weeks i haven't though I chose not to count the days but rather how many times in a month I feel less discouraged if i slip one day.

I have so much more friends now and i feel so much more useful i feel like i am a part of the relationships i have rather than something that won't be missed i feel loved and i can love others now. I am happier and i feel stronger as well. I am terrified of saying recovery or that i am recovered because that seems to make me feel like if i screw up i am no good yet i think i will always use the terms in recovery. I may not have symptoms for many years one day but i feel that the term in recovery will always describe were i am at because i will always try to learn new ways to perfect my recovery to get as far ways from the eating disorder as possible. I will always acknowledge it's presence in my life but i don't ever want to go back to were i was not long ago.

thank you all


Re: recovery

"I chose to seek therapie from a psycholoogist that is not specialised because i realised tht my eating disorder is a symtome of so much more"

Sounds great, Ashley-Kate. Right way to go :)

For now,
I realised that i allowed myself to become the eating disorder and when in therapie i felt that it was confirmed people treated the eating disorder thereofor that was what i was. My current psychologist is really great he goes at my speed sometimes trying to test my limits and seeing how strong i am but when he sees resistances he questions me about it and slows down if thats what i want. I am also in 2 support groups a week for my eating disorder wich helps me not only understand my disorder but help others. I also feel good when i can see myself in them understanding that i was once were they are at now and my recovery from that spot can help them.
thank you all for believing in me!
Well i guess i can officially say i did one of the biggest steps in my recovery and that was getting rid of my scale! what a hard step and i did it impulsivly a friend of mine was looking into geting a scale she wants to get healthy and stuff not disorder issues at all so i offered to give her my scale and well there you go that it.!
this week has been hard fighting the need to resstrict to go back into old habbits feeling the pull towards the anorexia so strong as the therapi part of my recovery gets harder the need for e-d grows stronger i was able to resist partialy but i did restrict this week and as i am not yet reaching the proper amount of calorie consomtion in a day i am not really in a god spot to eat any less that i already do.. I am still well i just wanted to let you all know that i guess recovery although very attractive is hard and demands work.. but i am still fighting and i don't plan on giving up! i am turning 23 in a couple of days and i want to make this year my first year in recovery! and i know i can do it!
love always!
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