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First of all, I'm going to consult with my psychiatrist about this question. I know he knows my history and is better positioned to give me the definitive answer. The problem is I'm only going to see him in late september, as we are in different cities and I'm excited by this possibility.

I'm on risporidone for schizophrenia and I want to know if risperidone and ritalin are compatible medications. I have lethargy and obesity and my mind doesn't work to its full capacity, because of risperidone. Don't worry I don't have access to ritalin. I just want to know if it's possible to combine the two for a better physical and mental performance and, of course, because of being overweight by 35 kg.

Thank you in advance!


You're right, your doctor is the person who can advise you on modifying your medications for your particular circumstances.

The end of September is not far away, only four weeks!
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