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What does it mean? How do you get to the point of accepting yourself? Does this mean you accept your flaws and faults too? It's kind of a confusing concept to me.


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Re: Self acceptance

For me, self-acceptance means knowing what your faults are and not magnifying them. Being ok with these faults. Knowing what your qualities and appreciating yourself for these too. And finally, recognizing that everyone has both in them.

How do you get there? I think by reminding yourself that you're no different from everyone else in this world? Whenever you start admonishing yourself, putting a stop to it and gently reminding yourself that your fault is just that. And remembering that when we slip into a flaw we can actually modify our behaviour - but our flaws are just that- a flaw. And it's ok to slip every once and again...


Re: Self acceptance

Heres a little nugget that has been around in print for a long time, and in unspoken thought even longer:

May I continue to strive to maintain
the Serenity to accept the things that are not mine to change,
the Courage to change the things that I should for the betterment of the planet or even one life upon it,
and the Wisdom to know the difference.
Re: Self acceptance

Hi Cat Dancer ,

Self acceptance , means I believe ,accepting your whole history , all that happened which coloured the way you approached life , it is a recognition of who you are in relation to the context you grew up in , once there is this self acceptance you can work on changing certain ways of functioning , what may be seen as flaws , but I like to think of them as scars ,.
Scars fade with time .

What we see as faults in ourselves are at time our strengths, as they can teach us more about ourselves than if we were a smooth carefree individual , each time we face one of those truths about ourselves , we reach a level of insight and understanding which becomes a priceless gift and arms and strenthens us for the rest of our lives , accepting yourself , is being
kind and compassionate towards yourself .

my very best wishes wp :)


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Re: Self acceptance

Out of curiosity Cat Dancer, how would you explain self-acceptance to Abigail in a few years time?

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Hi Cat Dancer,

I've given a little more thought to the concept of 'self-acceptance'. As you can tell from our responses to you yesterday, I think the definition is specific (somewhat) to the individual.

In that vein, I think that self-acceptance is a fluid concept. Maybe what we accept of ourselves today, when we're maybe struggling, is different from what we accept from ourselves in a month's time, or in a year's time, etc...

Maybe, just for today, we accept how we react to things, how our bodies are feeling and, how we think.

It doesn't mean that we don't strive for better - it just means that all while forging ahead, we're ok with the fact that the whole thing is a process. I know I'm not the person that I was 10 years ago, or even 8 months ago. :)
maybe self-acceptance is all about having compassion for yourself? there was an article not too long ago that i think i posted and it said self-compassion was more responsible for personal well-being than self-esteem. that self-esteem is a result from self-compassion.

that article made an impression on me and i think the compassion for yourself makes a world of difference. that's when you tell yourself it's ok to feel what you are feeling, you're only human, things are difficult right now but you'll do better because you know you will keep trying, etc. it's what i'm essentially telling people to do when they are struggling and i say to them to be kind to themselves.

i believe that kindness is a good anti-dote to depression.
Re: Self acceptance

Out of curiosity Cat Dancer, how would you explain self-acceptance to Abigail in a few years time?

Ack. I forgot to come back and answer this. I really don't know how I would explain it. I just honestly am stumped about this issue. :eek:


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No worries Cat Dancer. :) Sometimes, with difficult questions like this one, I like to think of how I would answer it for someone else - it's always easier if I'm describing it for someone else than it is for myself because there are less filters involved. :) (especially if you're trying to describe it to a young person).
Hi Cat Dancer just want to say everyone responses here are great. I think that self acceptance to me is being aware that you are where you are for a reason and somehow we need to just move on from there. Finding self compassion is hard to do sometimes but it is necessary for self acceptance to happen. I hope i am making sense. Take care Cat Dancer best wishes mary
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