More threads by desiderata


I'm going through a rough patch right now and am struggling to keep above water. The one good thing is now I'm aware of this and am trying to use the tools I've learned over the years. It's the inner feeling that's so deeply rooted that's hard to shake. Last week I wanted to quit my job. This past weekend my wife and kids picked out a puppy after we lost our Golden three months ago. She is cute as can be but it's up to me to take care of her through the day before I go to work. All I see is the work involved and the messes to clean up and that sucks some of the joy of having a new pup.
I see my doctor tomorrow and am gonna ask him to take me off Effexor. We tried this in the past trying different meds but I ended up coming back to Effexor as this was the only med that has truly made a difference. It's also the first med prescribed to me and I wonder if I'm looking for that same positive impact it had on me when first prescribed. Is it a tolerance thing where my mind builds up resistance to the effects? I'll have to ask my doctor and hope we can find a solution to this.
One can certainly build up a tolerance to a medication if on it for a long time but not everyone does I hope that you and your doctor can get you on something that will help you with depression The pup sounds like fun but i do understand it can be a lot of work especially if your energy level is low
Hope you get to see your doctor soon desiderata Good you are taking steps to help improve your depression

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
The other scenario I have seen is when an individual previously had a good response to a certain SSRI or SNRI medication and then discontinues it for several months or years and then tries the same medication again. In some cases, the medication no longer seems to have the same benefits as the first trial with it.

I have no idea why this happens but I have seen it more than once.
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