More threads by forgetmenot

phoned my t 'phoned crisis line
what does one say when they have lost their mind
i know i am not there
yet so much inside me say so
how i just want it all to end
how i just want to go
how do you explain
that it is not your pain you feel
it is from someone else
for so many years ago
i know i can't leave
but i want to go away so badly i reall y do


What did your therapist advise?

Did the volunteer at the crisis line help?

What happened today to bring you to this point?
to breath take medication volunteer said nothing i hung up car accident my fault lady yelling at me bro yelling at me i can't go back again im so tired now so draineeddd im tired of trying to stay me.


Have you taken your medication as the doctor advised?

Sorry to hear about the car accident. These things happen, and hopefully no one was hurt. It's not unusual for people to holler and act upset in these situations, but outbursts from strangers cannot be taken personally.

Let's hope the insurance companies will make things right.

Brother yelling...that could be handled differently, since it is someone with whom you might have more frequent contact. You could say, "I'd like to talk to you about this, but lets discuss it in a civil manner. If you continue yelling at me, I'd like you to leave, and come back when we can talk like two adults"

There is no reason for you to allow someone, especially a family member to treat you with disrespect.

Oh yes...I like square breathing when I'm feeling stressed too. 4 seconds breathe in, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds exhale, 4 seconds hold.

There are other versions of this, but that's the one I learned years ago.

Maybe the best would be to write off the day, go to bed, get a good night's sleep and start fresh, a new day, in the morning.
Hi Eclipse, sad to hear you've had such a rough time. Keep up the box-breathing, I find it so calming myself. Wishing you a peaceful evening. MP
It's hard for people to behave rationally in a car accident sometimes, but I agree with others who posted that your brother yelling at you wasn't very nice. Sometimes people get louder when they are upset or worried. Hopefully he was yelling because it scared him that you were in a car accident (and he had the outburst because he loves you) and not because he was telling you off or something. That would be completely out of line to holler at someone in a mean way who was just in a car accident. You'd be shaken up enough without all the yelling! 8P

I've been in a few fender benders myself. The initial shock after impact is a bit rattling, isn't it? Bleah...


So sorry to hear you are going through a difficult time Eclipse. It looks like some members here and suffering quite a lot at the moment.

Sending you strength.

Chin up.

sorry wrote a reply but the site crashed did not save it so i just want to say thanks for caring
i kept busy all day holding so much inside you know trying to just blank it all out yet just got call from people i owe money to fix up their vehicle
i have to fix mine up now too. It is just material noone was hurt just tired just anothr straw on camels back so to speak
will probably need to tak med again tonight so much to do so tired to do it all so tired.
I wonder when it will be me breaking in to two i wonder if i can keep pushing through all this or when i will eventually just break


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Car accidents are traumatic when they occur. Sorry Eclipse that you went through that. Try to think of the positive - that no one was hurt or that it could have been worse.

Feel better.
Well, please don't feel like you have to invalidate your feelings, luv.

How are you feeling right now? Have you been able to move on from this?
Did your grouchy brother cut you some slack? Out of all of that experience, I would know that would affect me the most. That he didn't seem to care about my health and was just yelling at me. Did that get resolved a bit more?
my brother is ill and his anger will harm someone someday i told his carers all of them i can't go there anymre i can't feel anymore i can't do this i push through each day today is hard one but i get up i look after who i can and now i am back in bed i want all this to stop i dont' know how i do it really each day get up knowing it never leaves this deep sadness never leaves i see and feel too much and i can't excape me sorry i am ok but i am not ok i know what it will take to bring me peace but that won't happen
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