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Recently, my mum and dad found out that I had been raped 2yrs ago after looking through my diarys.*

I'm glad they know and they have been very supportive about it and have suggested that I should see someone to help.

I've had Cognitive Behavioural Therapy before to help with depression but we never spoke about what happened 2yrs ago because I just couldn't bring my self to say it.

I just wondered what therapy would be like if I went to see someone who sorta specializes with rape victims?

And also, due to having depression as well... would I need to see a separate therapist for depression and then another for rape? or can one just do both but then should I go with the specialised therapist or just a regular one?

One more thing... If I went with a specialised one, would it just be focused on the trauma all the time? Because I don't think I can talk about it that much in one go if you know what I mean?

Anyways... any thoughts or experiences are very much appreciated!! I can try and answer questions if I haven't made myself clear in my questions!

Thanks in advance x

Joojams - Sent using my tablet on Tapatalk!
Hi joojams i am glad your parents are there to support you . A psychologist that deals with trauma will be able to help you that therapist can also help you with your depression but your general doctor will be the one to prescribe any medication you need so perhaps they can both work as a team to help you

With regards to how much you talk or say that is up to you ok YOu let the therapist know what pace you want to go with and a good therapist will not make you say anymore then you are capable of

Having your family behind you will be so helpful to you when you do confront what happened Keep us updated ok on how you are doing


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Hi Joojams, I would start with a good clinical psychologist and go from there. If you need medical treatment, such as prescription meds, you would have to see an authorized prescriber. I personally would choose a psychiatrist/psych NP over "general" physician, although it depens on the doc as well. I have seen family physicians working as therapists, but they are rather an exception than a rule. Again, you can't know yet if you need a medication. So start with therapy, I suggest. Just trying to help you with some general advice.

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Hi joojams.

Going to talk to someone is a courageous step to take towards healing and one I think you will be glad you took.

I am currently in trauma therapy and I talk about whatever I want,it's not always about my traumas.I go at my own pace and am never pushed to talk about anything.It takes awhile to build up trust and feel comfortable and safe enough to start talking,even after 4 years there are some things I still have problems discussing.But,it takes however long it takes,there's no time frame for healing.

Good luck with this and I also hope you keep us updated.
Hi Joojams:

You are fortunate to have supportive parents. Basically, you should seek someone who is licensed and specializes in trauma, possible post-traumatic stress and rape survivors. The caveat is you need to in time feel comfortable and safe. As you began to trust this person, you will know when and when not to share your past. And, if the first person you see isn't right for you, feel free to see someone else. It's about finding the right fit/comfort zone for you. You will have ups/downs in therapy, but hang on. Personally, I have never gotten over what I endured as a child and as an adult, but I understand that I was not at fault. Best wishes to you.

You are a courageous person!
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