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Error 80244019 suddenly began appearing on a Win 8.1 system I have that is scheduled for a Win 10 upgrade, thereby failing to check for new updates, and showing no updates had ever been installed.

Another Win 8.1 system I have that is not scheduled for a Win 10 upgrade did not show any error.

A search for the error and its resolution proved unproductive though there are many references to both Vista and Win 8.x experiencing this behavior. Running Windows Fixit for the problem did not repair it and none of the strategies in related knowledge base articles worked either.

Then I cam across a post by someone having the same problem who solved the problem by turning off (unchecking) "Give me updates for other Microsoft products when I update Windows" in Windows update settings.

A seemingly unrelated setting was all that was required, despite very elaborate and complicated procedures in the knowledge database articles (that did not work) to solve the problem.

The issue is not that unusual, as you discover by searching the error number. Has occurred in Vista and in Win 8.x


I read several of those, David and they mostly repeated the procedure in the Microsoft knowledge base, which was not working for me.

Unfortunately I didn't save the reference for the solution that did work for me which was changing the Windows Update setting for other MS products, which in may case was for Word, Excel etc.
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