More threads by thaiboy311

Sup my name is fred and I am feeling walls closing in on me.

So I haven't been officially diagnosed due to having neglectful parents, never had medical benefits or such. I have taken personality tests over and over and each time pointing to schizotypal. I have every symptom. I also have a dependent personality.

In elementary school I was the quiet but extremely smart kid. Never heard a peep from me unless I was called to answer a question which I absolutely hated. My mother would go out to get some food or go out with a friend and leave me and my little brother alone at home, too young btw. She always say this one rule, "don't go outside and don't open the door for anybody". I had nothing but video games and my fantasy worlds to retreat to. Saturday morning cartoons didn't last all day and I got bored with my mcdonald and burger king toys. By the time 6th grade came my interest in education plummet and I failed, turning from top student to failure in an instant. The thought of me having mental problems didn't cross my mother's mind, but I had fully submerged into my fantasy worlds.

Now Im trying to learn telekinesis, I got chi balls down pack. And I'm hoping to find true love cause the last two were...ugh. I've joined the national guard, big mistake but my anxiety was getting worse disappointing my family and now I wanna quit before boot camp comes in march but my anxiety prevents me. I want to get diagnosed so I can tell my recruiter but I don't have any income (messed up on my interviews), or proof of any government assistance. If I go to boot camp I know I'll lose it
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re: <0>_<0> Fred's Introduction

Hi welcome to Psychlinks perhaps if you tell us where you live someone could point you in the direction of how you could get diagnosed without a fee having to be paid


Hi.Welcome to Psychlinks. Good luck getting out of boot camp.

I'm interested in hearing where/how you're learning telekinesis.
Well I'm currently trying to make things levitate, now the best way to start is practicing channeling psi and making psi balls, there are exercises online you find if you search for it.
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Interesting.Have you been able to make anything levitate?I personally don't think it's possible.I began trying when I was a very young child and was never able to do it. The same goes for remote viewing and astral projection.
Hi nice to meet someone else who is into magic. I don't think you're mental at all and your interest in learning telekinesis and you being able to make energy (chi) balls proves it. By the way I'm able to make chi balls too but I can't see them (except in my mind) and they feel very small. what about yours are you able to see your chi balls and how big are they. I never joined the armed forces but I imagine boot camp can be very difficult. I personally couldn't stand someone yelling at me all the time telling me what to do. Also I'm rather physically weak so I wouldn't be any good at the exercises they do at boot camp. I wish I knew of a way to help you get out. A misdiagnosis of schizopal disorder would help, but you said you don't have the money to get evaluated so I just can't help. btw are you Wiccan also.


Fred! Is that you from the Schizotypal group on FB?? you know i had a feeling something told me to come on here and search telekinesis.. and i find you! Im a bit freaked out.. if this is really you! But happy. ( ive been reseaching it the last few days, and i wondered if anyone had experiences here with it )

also i have managed to move paper with my mind, but thats about it just now. Im practicing astral projection now
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