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I saw the first robin today that means spring is close by. I think i will go for nature walk today before it rains see what other wild life is around Exercise and air maybe even buy a coffee for the walk Hope everyone has a good day today get out there before the wet stuff comes.


It's RRRRRRRRoll up the RRRRRRRim to Win time Daniel! Us Canadians are drinking alot more Tim's this time of the year than any other :D.

Enjoy your walk, Violet. It is pretty nice here too...


For much of the last twomonths, temperatures in Central Florida have competed with those in many parts of Canada. After two days of torrential rain and tornados, the sun is finally shining, and I have put my parka, tuque, earmuffs and gloves back into storage.

Yes, thankfully, Spring has sprung

And tonight we will be Springing Our Clocks Forward!

Daniel E.
TSOW said:
and I have put my parka, tuque, earmuffs and gloves back into storage.
Just bury it as an offering to the sun gods :D

David Baxter said:
The first sign of spring is actually the emerging evidence of dog owners and their dogs on winter walks as the snow melts...

I guess that's the real purpose of the compost bin :D
Hey yes Tim coffee is the best i won 4 times now. rain is here now but i may even put on my rain boots later and go for another walk in the rain I use to love walking in the rain wierd right. Lots of dog owners walking their pooches on the trail one even had no owner just snuck up behind us and scare the living day lights out of me then ran away again. bye off again trying hard to stay active today I second being glad winter is over i hate being cold.
Thats funny. I advise not to go out in rain today very very very cold rain brrrrrr but it did wake the senses up I think i like walking in a summer rain thats when i must have liked it.
yeh lol i remember now walking in the rain it was so much fun we didn't care if we got wet sometimes we go out in just our bathing suits the sun usually came back out soon enough and dried us all up i was so young Just another memory sometimes even the happy memories bring tears stupid uh.
Oh i think i was much younger
i can't remember doing something like that in my 20s but i may have
I like the feeling of the rain the warm rain it is like having a huge warm shower
You must of had fun it sounds like fun to me.
i hope you lived near by so you could change
I am glad i am not the only one like doing that


Mmmm...warm rain is the best!! I love sitting on the deck with a hot cup of tea and a good book during a warm rain. Or sometimes just sitting with book required.


It makes me smile to think of how much I used to love walking in the warm summer rain when I was a kid. There were a few summers that I spent in Hawaii and it would rain for a few minutes every day while the sun was shining, it was just wonderful. Thanks so much for reminding me of some nice memories.


So, it is absolutely gorgeous here today so that is a good thing!
But, for me, the first sign of spring was the first tick of the new year! UGH! I saw some movement on my shirt and looked and there was a little tick crawling on me. Needless to say, my skin has been "crawling" ever since. I hate bugs! Just thought I would share my joy. Isn't nature grand?


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ewww...ewwww....ewww.... :lol: Now my skin is crawling Murray. :)

Nature is grand - but, I can do without the creepy crawlies. My first sign of spring? Yet another flooding in my condo's master bedroom...Living off of cement floors after having to rip out the hardwoods...for the third time in 3 years. My allergies are none too happy with me right now...

Ok - now I'm going to focus on how beautiful it is to wake up with the sun - seeing the sun rise, and having fun planting seeds for a new container garden - full of lily of the valley ;)
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