More threads by Eye Stigmata

It's true....what they say... That loving someone gives them the power to hurt you.
I still can't believe it's been 3 months since Blair left me.
I don't know why I'm still focusing on this SO much. I think it's because he was the first male in my life to ever treat me with respect. He never physically hurt me, he did the sweetest things for me. He made me feel like a woman again...not a rape victim.
I miss everything about him, his smell, his skin, his voice, everything.

I know sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together, but I can't seem to get over him, sadly I still spray his stupid cologne on my pillow when I go to sleep. I think because I went through having so many nannies growing up and losing them over and over again...I think I just......I fear getting close to people. He swept me off my feet...and I was in the perfect position to be dropped on my butt, which I was.
But I still feel this need to hold on to pieces of him, I still read the sweet texts he sent to me ages ago...I still have pictures of us on my fridge...

How can I let go of him in a healthy way...holding on to him like this isn't right. I need to move on....any suggestions? Anyone been through this???

The song, "Need you now" by Lady Antebellum is a perfect example of our relationship towards the end, I listen to it over and over and over
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I miss everything about him, his smell, his skin, his voice, everything.

I know sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together, but I can't seem to get over him,
I remember feeling that way, in my life. Gawd it feels good. I don't mean the missing it part, I mean the feeling part.

Sounds to me like you had a chance to receive a very special love, why would you ever want to lose or forget that memory? Just gotta learn to remember it in a different way.


Hi Eye Stigmata, I wouldn't want to forget about someone I love! It must be difficult for you right now with the feeling that you lost someone special.

This is the way I feel about this topic: I feel that when discussing love, one has to keep in mind that the factor in life that is most easy to manipulate is yourself, possessing someone you love is like trying to grab water with one hand, as much as you try you won't able to hold onto it. I believe that loving someone means giving them as much love as you can, but not expecting anything in return.

"You sound like a great person, and I know you're going to find your partner someday, someone who will love you for all that you are [and that you will love for all that they are]." (Eye Stigmata)

I wanted to put a link to the post you made when you typed that, but I can't link yet until I have reached a certain number of posts

Best Wishes

It is hard, I still cry over him some nights. I've just never had a guy treat me so well, and for so long...a year. So, I guess it's hard because I've always seemed to care more about other people than they did about me, so when I had someone who really loved me and accepted me for who I was....I never wanted to let that feeling go.

Thanks for the nice reply :D
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