More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
A conversation with my Blackberry
Carolyn Online
July 7, 2010

ME: Listen, we?ve been through a lot and I totally understood when you lost your roller ball but this is ridiculous.

BLACKBERRY: WhtsYourProblemHumn?

ME: My problem is that you have some kind of palsy on the entire left side of your keyboard and I can?t type anything anymore. And I can?t roll to the right so I can?t ever get. over. to. the. link. I?m trying to click on.

BLACKBERRY: YoureBeingKindOfEvilBoutMyCondition.

ME: Look sorry, I just miss being able to use the letter ?A.? And the space bar. And the Alt key and the letters W and Q?

BLACKBERRY: ShutUpYouHrdlyEverUseTheLetterKew

ME: That?s not really the point. Listen, I think you?re holding out on me. You were working fine this weekend. And now you?re back to your stuttering, Bells Palsy self. What gives?

BLACKBERRY: YouShouldntHveDroppedMeItsYourOwnFult

ME: My ?fult?? What the hell is fult?


ME: The letter ?Eh?? Seriously? Are you Canadian now?

BLACKBERRY: (spinning hourglass)

ME: Oh so now you?re not speaking to me?

BLACKBERRY: (spinning hourglass)

ME: Fine. I hear good things about the iPhone? Don?t look at me like that.
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