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I remember my whole childhood the way I might remember scenes from a movie. My whole childhood i remember a handful of things and i remember those things like a movie not like I was there.I dont remember years of my life and I dont know why? yes, there was abuse but i dont think to any extent that i should have forgotten that much? i also did have a brain injury but had this issue before the accident--any ideas? thanks
i too can only remember parts of my childhood I think as a child we learn to keep parts that made us happy perhaps and we learn to let go of the ones that brought pain just a saftey mechanism,
i think that protected us so we could move forward
I struggle like you wanting to remember now but i just can't
I think if you are really bothered talking to a therapist maybe would help
YOu said you had some trauma perhaps you are belittling that trauma a therapist would be able to help you look at what happen maybe there was more that you just chose to forget.
Sorry if i don't make sense sometimes my mind goes all over
Talk to your doctor okay he or she is the one that could help you most hugs
I do understand though how frustrating it must be to remember only bits and pieces
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