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I decided to join up to this because I'm yet again trying something new with my mood disorder, I'm switching from Celexa to Ciprolax. I gained weight and felt super fatigued after being on Celexa for about 6 months, so my dr. thinks it might help. I've been pretty anxious over the last few days and am hoping things will improve in a couple of weeks. I suffered from Serotonin Syndrome in my 20's, so I'm shy about medication, though I really can't function without. I hope this med steadies itself in my system soon because my husband and I are trying to get pregnant this summer. Anyway, lots of changes and I foresee having some sort of anonymous support network being a benefit. I've never been on a forum before, so we'll see how it goes.


Welcome, verbena.

I was on Cipralex and found it really helpful for my anxiety, so I hope it will provide you with some relief as well.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Welcome to Psychlinks Forums, verbena. :)

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