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You are flying in a helicopter at a constant speed. On your left side is a valley and on your right side is a fire engine traveling at the same speed as you. In front of you is a galloping pig which is the same size as your helicopter and you cannot overtake it. Behind you is a car. Both the giant pig and the car are also traveling at the same speed as you.

What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation?

Get your drunk ass off the merry-go-round.

---------- Post added at 10:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 PM ----------

At Heathrow Airport today, an individual, later discovered to be a public school teacher, was arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a compass, a protractor, and a graphical calculator. Authorities believe he is a member of the notorious Al-Gebra movement.

He is being charged with carrying weapons of math instruction.
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