More threads by bobhk


Member new here...don't know if this is the place BUT...

I'm looking to hook up with any of you on here who see yourselves as Adlerians, ("key words" being: Dr. Alfred Adler, Adlerian Psychology, Individual Psychology). I am the only member of NASAP (North American Society of Adlerian Psychology) in Connecticut, and sometimes it gets lonely!

This of course also includes Beck's "Cognitive Therapy," "Cognitive-Behavior Therapy" and Ellis' "Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy," all of which owe their basic concepts and features to Adlerian psychology.

I would be happy to engage in conversations about Adlerian theory and practice. Thanks! Bob H-K, Adlerian Psychologist in Connecticut


Welcome to Psychlinks Bobhk :welcome2:

I am glad that you decided to join us and I hope to see you around the forum :wave:
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