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I want to write an email to someone, who I don't know very well but more than an acquaintance but not quite a friend - the in between. I believe that one of their parents died, or is very sick on verge of dying not sure if the parent has passed yet. I don't know what to say. I can't really say if you want to talk Ill be here because we don't know each other like that. How do I say something that's supportive but not intrusive?
I don't even know the kind of relationship this person had with their parent.
any suggestions?


Best to say nothing until you have more facts to constuct an appropiate e mail. You seem compelled to write this person. Is there more than just a sympathetic interest here?


Thanks Yuray,
Quite an interesting observation and your question made me look at my motives and why I want to say something in the first place. I don't know.
But I will not say anything then till I know her situation. thanks for your thoughts

---------- Post added at 09:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 PM ----------

I believe I do know. I like this woman and want to show that I was concerned. Is this wrong?


Perhaps instead of using the back door of a potentialy grievous time in her life to gain entrance, try the front door by extending a courteous request as to how she is doing, without insinuation that you suspect something may be wrong. A simple "hi, everything ok? you've seemed a little distant lately".


I never wanted to use the back door of anything. I am not sure why you assumed this from my post. I was posting because I didnt know what to say and wanted advice. thanks for your advice though. I will say something like that.
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