More threads by suewatters1

I just wanted to know what I can do to stop being so agitated. Like I am restless fidgety. I noticed I have been like that since I got hope from work yesterday. I was a bit like that at work. I am getting so impatient with the way my life is going. Not fast enough for me. I hate work I can't afford to go on sick leave. Thank God we got Fridays off till further notice that means 3 day weekend.
What frustrates me is that I feel I have no control over my life.
I am so restless I can't sit still long enough to want to do anything meaningful. It's like my mind is racing and I want to be able to shut off any thoughts in my head. I want some control. I hate my life the way it is. I always hated my life to some extent but not as bad as in the last 2 years and now well I have had it.

I just wish I could see what was in my future so I could see if I liked it or not and then I could change the outcome to something better.
I JUST NEED TO GET THIS FRUSTRATION OUT OF MY BODY AND MIND I just called in sick.I left them a message that if I felt better I might come in later. Then I would go back to work tomorrow knowing I have Friday and Saturday and Sunday off.
The money is important but so is my health but if I am still this fidgety later I would probably get nothing done at home anyway and should go back to work. I don't know. Or I could stop in at a drop in center for the people with mental health issues.

I am not sure what to do.

Also regarding medication I was on oxazepam 10mg once a day as needed. I was on that pill for about 24 years. 30 pills would last me about 1 year or more because I would cut them in half's or quarters I was running low so I went to see a DR to give me more. Well since my family DR is very sick this DR who saw me gave me 1 mg of Ativan twice a day instead of my Oxazepam as I wanted 1 for the day and 1 for bedtime. Well I find it doesn't do a thing for me. Maybe it does but not much. Well last night instead of taking my Ativan I took an oxazepam 10mg as I have a few left and it was very late and I couldn't sleep and I manage to fall asleep.

So DR Baxter was is the difference between 10mg of Oxazepam and 1 mg of Ativan (Lorazepam)? Are they equal in strength?

Also any advice about how to spend my day? I need the money so I could always go in later as it is only a 8 minute drive to work. But if I can somehow do work around the house then my day wouldn't be wasted like my evening was last night.


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I think they should be equivalent - if anything, the dose of Ativan may be higher and I think it may work more quickly.

But talk to your pharmacist for further information.
Thank You DR Baxter.
I did some research on it yesterday and came to the same conclusion but I find even though it may take 2 hours for my oxazepam to kick in 90% of the time my body gets so relax and the tension usually just melts away. I get tired if I take the whole 10 mg but I feel so much calmer but not with the Ativan. 3 years ago I was given 1 to calm my nerves down before getting a spinal tap and it didn't calm me down I was still agitated. I had only took 1/4 tablet of the Oxazepam that morning and realized I didn't take enough so I asked for something at the hospital and they gave me Ativan.
I told the pharmacist this the day I picked up my prescription recently about how it didn't seem to work for me 3 years ago. All she said was well it is the same thing The DR gave you.

So maybe it is just the way it releases itself in my body. My family DR is very ill so it was another DR dispensing the prescription.

Thanks Again for your input



the difference between 10mg of Oxazepam and 1 mg of Ativan (Lorazepam)? Are they equal in strength?

The dosage equivialant between oxazepam and lorazepam is 15mg of oxazepam is considered to have the same effect as 1 mg of lorazepam, according to the manufacturer's data. Both medications were originally introduced by the same company and lorazepam is actually chemically linked to oxazepam.

There are studies showing lorazepam is more effective than its predecessor, and both are considered as "clean" drugs (ie, minimal drug/drug interaction).

You may want to report the agitation you are experiencing to your doctor, so the cause can be determned.
Hi Steve the reason is due to my work problems I am experiencing that is why I wanted to have Oxazepam twice a day instead of once a day. I only took Oxazepam as needed in the past 24 or so years and I would cut the pill if my agitation wasn't so bad.
Or if I had a very bad headache due to stress I would take 10 mg of Oxazepam and I could sleep and get rid of the major headache because all the muscles in my body would be relax. But I find the Ativan doesn't work the same for me maybe because the medication release it chemicals slower then the Oxazepam and I don't feel it. I don't know




Hi Sue,


I can relate to your posting very much. Really do. To me it's like a loop, the more I try to fix, say my frustration... the MORE frustrated I get, and there is no exiting. Ring a bell?
At least in my case the real son of a :badwords: of it is, when I know the answers, and I can't or don't act.

Back to mind and body, what follows may be old news to you Sue but please don't shoot the messenger. I call it pulling the plug and de-compressing.

Exercise, even a 15 - 30 min. brisk walk anywhere quiet.
Soak in a hot bath, but don't stew or brood, think nice thoughts.
I turn turn off noise, TV's, radio's, computer, anything that make a racket.

Here's something everybody will think is really flaky. Sometimes I listen to these "Solitudes" tapes. 60 minutes of thunderstorms, waves crashing, or birds singing and the calming effect is hard to avoid.

Anyway, stick close to your doctor especially with your work/life situation and don't forget to eat properly. :2cents:
Thanks Sparrow :)
I am not much for walking. Yesterday at the end of my shift I had to sit down while everybody was swiping out and when the line got lower I got up. My back and legs were so sore. I got physical health issues and depending what I do at work I might get some days were I am in pain and don't want to move.
Also your right about eating properly. I haven't been doing that at all lately. I lost a few pounds. So I bought some boost drinks to help me get some energy. I am just tired of having to deal with the same BS for 24 years. I want some resolution very soon.

Those solitude tapes you mentioned I can get the same thing on my digital cable on one of there music channels and I sometimes uses and I sometimes forget about it.




maybe because the medication release it chemicals slower then the Oxazepam

As Dr.Baxter alluded to, lorazepam crosses the blood brain barrier sooner than oxazepam, one of the principal advantages of the difference between the two compounds.

Lorazepam can actually be taken under the tongue, to be absorbed a little more quickly.

Check with your doctor, who may choose to prescribe the sublingual form of Ativan (lorazepam).

However, if your doctor agrees, oral tablets can be taken sublingually as well. The only difference is there may be some residual tablet, from the inert binding ingredients left under your tongue, as they are not absorbed.

Ativan is taken sublingually by placing the tablet in the deepest pocket under the tongue, and held there without swallowing saliva for two minutes.

You may find the onset of action to be slightly more rapid than swallowing the tablet.
Hi Steve I am taking Lorazepam but the effects are not the same. When taking 10 mg of oxazepam I find it to be a lot stronger then 1 mg of Lorazepam and it does a better job.

Thanks for your advice

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