More threads by bkqa


hi there

during the past few months i've been listening to hypnosis sessions and other self help tools such as subliminals whilst not being completly alcohol free.

Have i done any damage to myself? If so what can be done about it?
what happens if you re-program your subconcious whilst being under the influence?

All suggestions welcome



Hi bkqa and welcome to Psychlinks :welcome2:

I don't have any knowledge about reprograming the subconcious so I am of no assistance to you there, but I would like to add that I am glad that you decided to join us and I hope to see you around :wave:


Hi there,

thanks for your help and welcomes.

So say if i overcome a fear or improved my confidence via hypnosis in a sober state...

these changes wouldn't carry onto when i was drunk :(?

Also does learning which has occured while drunk via hypnosis eventually wear off?

Thanks :)
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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Not exactly. Although there is some evidence for so-called state-dependent learning effects in the laboratory, it seems to be an example of a "generalization decrement", where learning in one state does not fully generalize to other states. As such, this is no really more than the generalization decrement that occurs when you learn to drive a certain car and then find you have to relearn certain things in a new or different car.

It's not a black-and-white barrier to memory or retrieval. You're still likely to remember from one state to another, unless you were in a total "blackout" at the time.
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