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The Alzheimer Society of Canada identifies, develops and facilitates national priorities that enable its members to effectively alleviate the personal and social consequences of Alzheimer's and related diseases, promotes research and leads the search for a cure. The Society consists of a national office, 10 provincial organizations and more than 140 local groups across Canada.

Forgetful Not Forgotten is an information and support site based on the work of Chris Winn, the Canadian film maker who produces a wonderfully touching and informative documentary about his Dad's struggle with early onset Alzheimer's. Information about the film is contained there along with information and support.

U.S.A. Alzheimer's Association is the advocacy group in the U.S. Extensive resources, links to local chapters and a wealth of information

U.K. Alzheimer's Society is a membership organisation, which works to improve the quality of life of people affected by dementia in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
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