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picked up this story from BBC news , shows incredible brightness in a three year old .

A three-year-old boy has saved his mother's life by dialling 999 after she suffered an epileptic fit.

Jack Thomson used his mother's mobile to call the emergency services and told them she was lying sick in the hallway and his father was at work.

The phone then cut-out. Undeterred, the youngster found another mobile and dialled 999 again.

He was unable to say where he lived but the second call enabled operators to trace his location in Lochgelly, Fife.

The three-year-old was at home with his sisters Holly, two, and baby Kirsty when his mother became ill.

The consequences of his mother not receiving immediate medical attention may have been disastrous
Insp Duncan Ormiston
Fife Constabulary

After the phone call, police and ambulance crews forced entry into Jack's home and found his mother, Leanne, lying in the hallway.

Paramedics attended to her and she is recovering at home.

Police praised Jack for his quick action.

Insp Duncan Ormiston said: "Without doubt, young Jack has saved his mum's life.

"For such a young boy to have the presence of mind to not only phone 999, but to phone us on another mobile phone after the battery had run down, is phenomenal.

"The consequences of his mother not receiving immediate medical attention may have been disastrous, and she may have lain undiscovered until Jack's father returned home.

"Jack deserves a medal and I have arranged for a police hat and some goodies to be sent out to him as the Contact Centre's honorary wee Special Constable."
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