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I am anemic. I have been anemic for months now. I am also pregnant, but I was anemic before that. I take prenatal vitamins and iron supplements when I'm able. I don't know if I'm eating well. I struggle with eating disorders (yes even while I'm pregnant :( ). I feel very bad. I get really weak. I feel faint. I can't take a deep breath a lot of the time. I am also short of breath a lot. It's getting to the point that I'm afraid to drive somewhere because I'm afraid I"ll start feeling really faint and not be able to drive home.

I am vegetarian and this might be part of the problem. I can't force myself to eat meat though. I'm not sure if I'm venting or asking for advice. I have done very minimal research on iron-rich foods and am just starting to arm myself with knowledge, so to speak.

I also think this is contributing to my depression and anxiety issues. It seems to make things worse. :(

Any advice or commiseration would be appreciated. :)


Dear CD, I am always willing to commiserate (although I had to look it up to make sure). I think it is very important to take your vitamins. I have always been anemic and take one to three iron pills daily, if not I have the same symptoms you describe. It is fairly easy to do a search and find out what foods are rich in iron. To remind myself to eat I will do a search of foods or a diet such as the DASH diet and then print out all the foods that I like and post it on the fridge so that I will notice what I should be eating. It is very important for you to feed your baby. As a vegetarian it is very important to eat a variety of foods to make sure you are obtaining all the nutrients that your body requires. :heart: Mari - I just noticed Dr. Baxter's post and will add that my supplement contains B vitamins as well as the iron and I am under strict doctors orders to take a minimum of one tablet daily and up to three if I remember, the number would depend on what type of supplement you are taking.


I often get anemic as well, basically due to poor nutrition. I can't imagine how exhausted you must be if your also pregnant.
There are lots of iron-rich foods that you can eat that really aren't to bad. I have issues with eating too.
I have a sheet that was given to me by my Dr. but I am sure you can find a list of foods just by typing in iron-rich foods.
I eat dried apricots and pumpkin seeds (not together) mostly and I drink OJ with iron rich foods cause it helps the absorption of the iron even more. Maybe do a search on that as well. Foods that increase the absorption of iron.

I hope that helps. I know I didn't give many examples of things but I am sure it would be an easy find if you did a search.

I hope you feel better and can find something that is "safe" for you to eat and is rich in iron.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It's not just about iron. Avoiding anemia and having healthy red blood cells is about having adequate levels of iron, vitamnin B12, and folic acid. Unfortunately for pregnant women, the developing fetus tends to take some of all of these from the mother.

And yes, the problems are likely to be amplified for vegetarians. As others have suggested, you need to be doubly vigilant about the foods you are eating as well any supplements if you are a pregnant vegetarian.
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I just found out I have a Vitamin B12 deficiency which I am told take 5 years to deplete the amount we have in our body. So I am Taking Vitamin B12 500 mcg a day. I asked my DR if I could take more to make sure to start it really kicks in he says if you take more then your body needs you will just pee it out.
Maybe if you are low in Vitamin B12 you might want to ask your DR about getting the shots of B12. It might work faster whereas the pill might not be absorbed as well in some people.
Congratulation BTW on the pregnancy.

Thanks for the link. Thanks for the advice everyone. :)

Dr. B. I will ask about the folic acid and the B-12. Is there a shot for B-12? I know there is a shot for something like that.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I think so but it may be that oral supplements would be enough. Also, we don't know yet whether you even have a problem with B12 but you can be tested for that.

Ask your doctor.
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